Making a Difference for California (2024)

The CA 4-H Golden Clover Awards recognize outstanding achievements of members, volunteers, program staff, and groups within the University of California 4-H Youth Development Program.This 4-H year, we awarded nine awards to youth, adults, and groups. Each winnerdemonstrated excellence in their corresponding category. Keep reading to learn about eachaward...

RobertBrownleeScience Award

The RobertBrownleeScience Award recognizes science inquiry and experiential learning in 4-H work to help youth increase knowledge, skills, and competencies, and to improve their attitudes about science. This includes increasing science awareness and use in 4-H projects by testing predictions and making sense of observations. The RobertBrownleeScience Award is sponsored by the RobertBrownleeFoundation. In honor of the visionary, RobertBrownlee(1942-1991), the Foundation was established in 1987 to provide financial awards for creating and maintaining innovative programs for youth.

Andrew L. from Yolo County, Robert Brownlee Golden Clover Award.

Andrew L., YoloCounty

Andrew earned this award for hiswork starting an Astronomy Project at his 4-H club. After attending a local summer camp in 2022, Andrew learned about astronomy and developed the skills to lead a project. Andrew also designed and delivered a presentation about the different types of telescopes to his club, classmates, and county. From giving his presentation to leading the project, Andrew has been putting his skills to great use. Andrew has inspired curiosity and developed leadership skills. Andrew will be furthering his astronomy knowledge and leadership skills as a 4-H Camp Staff member this summer.

Levi S from San Diego County - Brownlee Golden Clover awardee

Levi S., San Diego County

Levi received this award for his role as a Junior Leader for an Electricity & Electronics project at 56Ranchers 4-H, Levi's home club. Using his experience with technology, Levi created and presented the MIT Scratch Online Programming for the project and guided the project members through it. Levi also developed a Pencil Vending Machine utilizing his electronics, programming, and mechatronics skills. Levi is on his way to RegionalPresentation day with a presentation based on his project.

Member Mentoring

The Member Mentoring Golden Clover award is awarded toa member for changing the life of another youth in a positive manner. This award is only open to youth members. The Member Mentoring award is sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation.

Myah D., Placer County - Member Mentoring 2024 Golden Clover Awardee.

Myah D., Placer County

As her 4-H club's president for four years and a Placer County Ambassador, Myahearned this award for her efforts to keep 4-H alivein her club, county, and beyond.Myahis always there to lift up her fellow 4-H'ers when they win ribbons at the county fair or participate in CA 4-H State Field Day. Regardless of the obstacles (like a pandemic) and with a friendly face, Myahnever stops encouraging every youth she meets. She knows that as long as she can instill a spark for 4-H and community service, the members she supports will ultimately take her place as a mentor in the lives of future 4-H members.

Stephanie C. from Sonoma County, Member Mentoring Golden Clover awardee 2023

Stephanie C., Sonoma County

Stephanie earned this award for going above and beyond to contribute her time as a gentle and kind mentor to her fellow project members. In addition to serving as a club officer, Stephanie leads multiple market livestock projects as a teen leader, supporting her project members and guiding them through visiting buyers, writing letters, and more. Stephanie demonstrates hard work, determination, and motivation, and she is working to pass those qualities onto other 4-H members in her community.

Member of Excellence

This category is awarded to a youth member for theirpersonal achievement and improvement. Setting andcompleting goals, excelling beyond expectations, overcoming hardships--these are all examples of outstanding contributions to the 4-H Youth Development Program that are considered for this award. The Member of Excellence award is sponsored by the Thomas and DorothyLeaveyFoundation.

Samantha R. from Ventura County - Member of Excellence 2023 Golden Clover awardee

Samantha R.,Ventura County

Samanthaearned thisaward for using her 4-H grown skills such as creativity, public speaking, intelligence, and leadership skills to take on roles and responsibilities on every level. From a Club Executive Board Member to a County Ambassador to a California representative for Citizenship Washington Focus, Samantha exemplifies a confident and patient 4-H'erwho is committed to actively serving her community. Ever since Samantha was just nine years old, she carefully included other members and encouraged them to be active contributors to the success of their projects, activities, and responsibilities. Samantha has already made goals to return to the 4-H program when she ages out, highlighting her dedication to 4-H and its members.

Civic Engagement

This category recognizes a youth member, group, adult volunteer, and/or program staff for contributions that demonstrate living the definition of civic engagement: working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference. The Civic Engagementaward is sponsored by the Thomas and DorothyLeaveyFoundation.

Alameda County Rising Stars Team - Civic Engagement 2023 Golden Clover group awardee

Alameda County 4-H Rising Stars

This team of nine 11 to 14-year-old Alameda County 4-H'ersearned this award for their work leading a County CommunityService and Civic Engagement Field Day that benefited their county 4-H program. In addition to securing community partners to host activitiesand presentations, the Rising Stars team increased participation and engagement by developing a Table Decorating contest for each participant. This contest showed attendees the many service opportunities available in their county. This team of young leaders not only hosted an eventthat was said to be "one of the best events in the past several years" by attendees, but this team inspired attendees to be active members in their community.

Collaboration & Outreach

This category may be awarded to a member, adult volunteer, and/or group for increased public awareness of the CA 4-H Program. Awardees have involved new youth and adults in 4-H, reached out to communities that have historically not benefited from 4-H, and created partnerships with other youth development organizations.The Collaboration & Outreachaward is sponsored by the Thomas and DorothyLeaveyFoundation.

JEDI Youth Task Force, state advisory committee- outreach and collab 2023-34 Golden Clover

J.E.D.I. Youth Task Force, Statewidecommittee

TheJ.E.D.I. Youth Task Forceearned this award for creating and leading the Hope for Tomorrow Mental Health Awareness Event in September of 2023. Through this free event, this team not only raised awareness about mental health in underrepresented communities and provided free resources to attendees, but broke the silence surrounding mental health and offered support to those who needed it. The youth leaders recruited over forty resource vendors for the event and recruited members to join the4-H Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Advisory Committee in thefuture. The youth's commitment to collaboration and outreach is evident and remarkable.

Lifetime Achievement

This category is awarded to an adult volunteer who has dedicated a significant portion of their adult life to the 4-H Program. Those awarded are outstanding volunteers who demonstrate a significant positive impact for 4-H youth. The Lifetime Achievement award is sponsored by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation.

Tiffany Salters from San Joaquin, Lifetime achievement 2024 Golden Clover awardee

Tiffany Salters,San Joaquin County

A lover of 4-H and what it stands for, Tiffanyearned this awarded for the unbelievable amount of work she has given to the 4-H program over the last decade. From community club leader of Valley View 4-H to leader of the Youth Task Force Team under the JEDI Advisory Committee, Tiffanystrives to make 4-H accessible, safe, and fun for everyone. Tiffany brings passion, empathy, and respect to all she does, supporting the 4-H'ersin her community and beyond.

Jack and Robert Clay Outdoor Adventure Golden Clover Award

The Jack and Robert Clay Outdoor Adventure Award recognizes outstanding achievement, leadership, and promotion of 4-H camping and outdoor adventures such as camping, fishing, hiking, climbing,GIS/GPS, among others. The Jack and Robert Clay Outdoor Adventure Award is sponsored by the Friends of Jack and Robert Clay. Following a tragic accident in 1987, this Memorial Award was established by the family and friends of Jack Clay and his son, Robert, who were enthusiastically involved in the 4-H camping and outdoor adventure projects as leader and junior leader in Alameda County.

Tammy Hill from Napa County - Outdoor Adventure Golden Clover 2023-24 awardee

Tammy Hill, NapaCounty

Tammy earned this award for her unwavering dedication to the 4-H camp community. Since 2002, Tammy has held the position of the NapaCounty 4-H Camp Advisor/Director. Providing 4-H teens with the opportunities to contribute their leadership skills, Tammy played a pivotalrole in transformingNapa's camp program into a fun, safe, and inclusive learning environment for everyone. Even with the challenging times of the pandemic and the tragic loss of the NapaCounty campsite, Tammystrove to carry on the meaningful aspects and traditions that NapaCounty is known for. Tammy also has contributed a great deal to the CA 4-H Camping Advisory Committee, hosting data parties, camping conferences, and various other activities with other phenomenal youth and adultson the committee.

CONGRATULATIONS again to all of our 2023-2024 winners!

We celebrate each of you for all you do to help young people reach their full potential and thrive.

These youth, groups, and adult awardees will be announced during the Closing Ceremonies at the 4-H State Leadership Conference this July.

Now accepting nominations for 2024

Help us recognize the excellent work that California 4-H members, volunteers, groups and staff have been accomplishing in 2024. You can apply and/or nominate a person or group for a Golden Clover Award. Please see the Golden Clover Awards page to learn about all the categories. Nominations are open until September 9, 2024.

Making a Difference for California (2024)


What's so special about California? ›

With sun, sand, surf, and mountains, the West Coast state of California is known for its many attractions that lure travelers year-round. From famous landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge and the Hollywood sign, to the Golden State's rich outdoor opportunities, this eclectic state makes for a well-rounded vacation.

What makes California different from other states? ›

California's citizens abide by a unique set of statutes under the California constitution. This is what sets California apart from other states. They follow their constitution that is meant to specifically protect the citizens that live within the California border. The current California constitution is dated 1879.

How much do California mentors get paid? ›

Mentor Salary in Los Angeles, CA
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$57,108$4,759
75th Percentile$46,300$3,858
25th Percentile$33,400$2,783

What makes California appealing? ›

The appellate court does NOT decide the facts of the case as the judge or jury in the trial court does. You can only appeal if: You say there was not enough evidence in your trial to justify the verdict or judgment; and/or. You say there were mistakes of law during or before the trial that hurt your case.

Why do people love California so much? ›

However, the diversity, culture and natural beauty still make California an amazing place to call home for many. Once you've soaked up that California sun, breathed in that ocean air and enjoyed the beautiful landscapes this state has to offer, you'll see why so many folks happily call it home.

Why is California so influential? ›

The state has made contributions in communication, information, innovation, education, environmentalism, entertainment, economics, politics, technology, and religion. California is the home of Hollywood, the oldest and one of the largest film industries in the world, profoundly influencing global entertainment.

What makes a California special different? ›

The California Special stands out with its Navy Pier and black leather upholstery, accented with stylish blue stitching. The interior is further adorned with GT/CS floor mats and a unique California Special badge. From the Premium trim, it inherits features like: A 12.4-inch Digital Instrument Cluster.

What made California unique? ›

California is known for many things: sun-kissed beaches, redwood forests, fertile farmland, cable cars, box cars, and the entertainment industry, to name a few. In its nearly 170 years of history, there have been a number of events that shaped the Golden State.

Why is California the richest state in America? ›

Agriculture is one of the prominent elements of the state's economy: California leads the nation in the production of fruits, vegetables, wines and nuts. The state's most valuable crops are cannabis, nuts, grapes, cotton, flowers, and oranges. California produces the major share of U.S. domestic wine.

What is a CA mentor? ›

Our Programs

California MENTOR's range of services and support helps people of all ages and abilities build increasingly rich, independent lives.

How to become a California mentor? ›

Each youth mentoring program has their own guidelines, and these typically include an application, background check, and an initial mentor training before mentoring begins. Time requirements for each program also vary, but they often range from four to eight hours per month over a calendar or school year.

Are mentors worth the money? ›

A mentor who embodies these qualities can become a powerful force in the mentee's life, helping them achieve their full potential. With the investment of time and ownership in a well-structured mentoring partnership, both mentors and mentees will reap significant rewards throughout their careers.

Why is California still the best place to live? ›

There are many great reasons to move to California—from being closer to the epicenter of your chosen industry like entertainment in LA or tech in the San Francisco area—to wanting an outdoor lifestyle, made possible by the year-round great weather. California is also one of the most culturally diverse states in the ...

What makes California culture unique? ›

California's wealth lies in the diversity of its land and people. Our cultural heritage is derived from at least 300 indigenous tribal groups and explorers and immigrants from many continents, including '49ers seeking gold and settlers seeking a new life.

What is so amazing about the state of California? ›

Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Sierra Nevada mountains, California beckons with its diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and a wealth of experiences waiting to be embraced. Here's why a visit to the Golden State promises an unforgettable adventure: Stunningly beautiful landscapes. Incredible national parks.

Why is California the most famous state? ›

California, the most populous state in the nation, is home to Hollywood's stars, Silicon Valley's technology, Napa Valley's wines and ancient Redwood and Sequoia forests. The Golden State also is one of the country's wealthiest and most socially and politically influential.

What's different about the California special? ›

The California Special stands out with its Navy Pier and black leather upholstery, accented with stylish blue stitching. The interior is further adorned with GT/CS floor mats and a unique California Special badge.

Why is California so valuable? ›

California's sunny weather, career opportunities and many activities to enjoy make it one of the most desirable places to live in the U.S., but it comes at a cost. The state's cost of living is considerably higher than most areas of the country.


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.