Ugh - no maternity leave for me - What to Expect General Pregnancy | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Employer is WA state based, I moved to FL and working remotely.

Spoke to my hr recently.

Employer is small, 25 people, it’s not FMLA eligible, hence they don’t have to provide FMLA.

WA state pays for the Family and medical leave, but I am not eligible because of my move.

I asked my HR about Short term disability insurance , she doesn’t know, but she thinks that this is the same as paid FMLA by WA state, hence I am not eligible.

Their advice is : take all the sick days and PTO once the baby is born (I’ll have 20 work days of PTO at the moment of her birth, 1 month basically). And speak to the CEO, maybe (maybe) he’ll give you what you want.

Unpaid, of course.

I am quite mad and upset, and trying to understand my rights..

I need an advice from you: how much time would you ask CEO to give me?? 3 more months?

My husband unfortunately works for the same company, and they unlikely will let us take a leave together.

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You could always ask for 3 months and negotiate from there. Most receive 6 full weeks paid short-term disability and take the other 6 as unpaid FMLA.

Good luck!

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I’m in NY and paid family leave isn’t the same as short term disability. Lots of companies have short term disability that covers things like accidents, which isn’t always covered under a family leave plan. Have HR dig deeper not just “think” it’s the same.. best of luck!!

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your company has an Hr department and a CEO but is not big enough to make you FMLA eligible? That seems odd. That said, you can ask for what you want, but my guess is they will only give you 6-8 weeks total (including your PTO time).

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hr is just one girl, she is also our compliance specialist. And our boss calls himself a CEO. We’re small startup :)

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haha okay that makes more sense. I’m sorry you’re stuck in this position but I hope you get the time you need with babe!

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I would ask to take your pto and then 1 more month unpaid

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I'm a teacher in TX, and I do not get maternity leave. I have to use all 15 of my personal days. After that, my pay will be docked, and I will likely not get a check for the rest of my leave. I will be looking into FMLA to see what I can pay on it and what percentage I of my check I can get.

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FMLA doesn’t have anything to do with maternity leave payment. It only secures your spot at your job while you’re on leave. Basically makes it legally impossible for them to fire you during your FMLA period.

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Ugh how awful. If your HR doesn't know about short term disability then your company likely doesn't have a policy or offer it unfortunately. It's also one of those things that you can't get after getting pregnant because they will deny your claim as a preexisting condition.

I would talk to your CEO and see what he could offer.. at the very least 6 weeks partial pay using your PTO bank.. but if he is willing to go for 12 weeks then i would definitely take that! the issue with taking 12 weeks unpaid is if you have insurance through your employer that is not FMLA protected, you may lose your insurance. so that would be something definitely to bring up.

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What?! I thought WA had 16 weeks of paid leave available?? Is this different for you because you’re out of state?

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yes, because it will be more than a year since I left when she baby is born

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Ugh - no maternity leave for me - What to Expect General Pregnancy | Forums | What to Expect (2024)


How many weeks pregnant should you start maternity leave? ›

You can start your maternity leave any day from 11 weeks before your due date.

What to expect when you go on maternity leave? ›

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a law that requires most companies to allow their employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid family leave time after the birth of their child. The FMLA applies to both men and women and is also available for those that adopt a child.

How long before my due date should I take maternity leave? ›

In a normal pregnancy, a worker will typically be disabled 4 weeks before the expected due date and 6 weeks after for a vagin*l birth or 8 weeks after for a cesarean section.

How many weeks when you start maternity leave? ›

For a pregnant employee, leave can start up to 6 weeks before the expected date of birth (or earlier if agreed), or within 24 months of the birth of the child.

When should you stop working when pregnant? ›

You may have to stop working or reduce your hours during your pregnancy if: You're at risk for preterm labor, which includes women who are expecting twins or multiples. You have high blood pressure or are at risk for preeclampsia. You've been diagnosed with placenta previa.

How much maternity pay will I get? ›

How much you will get. If you qualify for Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) it is paid for a maximum period of 39 weeks. It is paid: for the first six weeks at 90 per cent of your average gross weekly earnings with no upper limit.

When to go off work during pregnancy? ›

A woman who is having a normal, healthy pregnancy can work right up until the start of labour. However, you can choose to stop working whenever suits you. Some women choose to stop several weeks before their due date but others will be at work even in early labour.

How many weeks pregnant should I leave work? ›

Usually, the earliest you can start your leave is 11 weeks before the expected week of childbirth. Leave will also start: the day after the birth if the baby is early. automatically if you're off work for a pregnancy-related illness in the 4 weeks before the week (Sunday to Saturday) that your baby is due.

How many months pregnant can you start maternity leave? ›

Increase in the maternity leave duration

This duration was increased in the amendment to the Act in 2017, and all women are eligible to take a 26-week maternity leave. They can take maternity leave from 8 weeks before the delivery date and take the rest 18 weeks after delivery.

When should I stop working when pregnant? ›

You may have to stop working or reduce your hours during your pregnancy if: You're at risk for preterm labor, which includes women who are expecting twins or multiples. You have high blood pressure or are at risk for preeclampsia. You've been diagnosed with placenta previa.

Is 6 weeks enough for maternity leave? ›

More than 12 weeks is needed for an adequate maternity leave, according to Dr. Bovone. “Many issues that need assistance are not even apparent until three to four months after delivery,” she says. “It almost becomes impossible to juggle the demands of self-care, childcare, relationships and work obligations.”


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