THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1937 PAGE FIFTEEN REALIZE Your WANTS- -BY READING Other Peoples WANT-ADS 0 28 CLASSIFIED AD INFORMATION IC 1s not necessary to come to The office to insert Times-Journal. your telephone. If you live out of the city, just write what you want to say, 1 tell us how many times you wish to run it, and enclose stamps. check, or money order to cover. RATES Small type (like this) is 2c per word per insertion, with 8 minimum charge of 35c.
LARGE Type (Like This) is per word per insertion with a minimum charge of 35c. Classified ed display with larger type and white space is 65c per inch. Seven consecutive insertions. 60c per inch. CARDS OF $1.00 FUNERAL $1.00 RATES ARE CHEAPER IF ADS ARE TAKEN FOR THIRTY CONSECUTIVE DAYS.
TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED ADS ARE CASH INSERTION. MINIMUM CLASSIFIED CHARGE. Due to cost of set-up and collecting, no ad can be charged for less than 40c. Cash ads or those paid within 24 hours of date of insertion will be accepted for a minimum of 35c. The Times-Journal -will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion.
All corrections must be phoned to the office by 12 o'clock the following day. Ads to be run the day they are given must be in the office by 12 o'clock of the same date. CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT PHONE 77 Card of Thanks The Family of Mrs. W. H.
Dunn wish to express their appreciation to the many friends for sympathy and kindness shown in their bereavement. Business Service SELMA Tin Shop. Blow Pipe experts, air conditioning, general tin work. Phone 1626. m12-1m HAYES Tin Shop.
Blow pipe, roofing, air conditioning, all kinds tin work. Phone 1480. j1-1m BEGIN THE PROFITABLE HABIT Of Classified Ad Reading Today And Keep It Up There Are Opportunities In The Want-Ads BETTER SIGHT, better grades. Have, your children's eyes examined before school starts. It pays to be sure.
I. J. Hix, Optometrist and Jeweler, 1007 Alabama Ave. s1-1m BICYCLES, easy terms. Keys, locks, safe and gun repairing.
Selma Arms Co. s1-1m WHEN you let us contract! your painting and papering, you have no worry and it saves you money. Tillman's. s1-1m LANDLORDS, modernize and repair your plumbing. O' Brien Plumbing phone 231.
s14-1m PAINTING WALLPAPERING ROOFING COOK HARDWARE CO. Call 206 for Estimates 17-2t LOCAL, long distance moving. Insured service. Wicker Transfer. Phone 155.
s15-1m FOR Plumbing Repairing or Fixtures. Call Porter-Flowers, 1736. s3-1m HIGH-CLASS plumbing at low prices. Call Berry, the old reliable. Phone 792.
19-1t HARNESS, saddles, all kinds leather goods repaired. Vance Shoe Shop. Phone 777. 19-1t Cars Washed, Polished Vacuum Cleaned GasSTANDARD SERVICE STATION PHONE 210 WILLIAMS' DIME TAXI PHONE 210 DAY or NIGHT PROMPT SERVICE Corner Lauderdale and Alabama R. R.
WILSON, Mgr. 19-1t BUSTER Typewriter Ex. change. Typewriter and Adding Machine repairs. Royal Standard and Portable Typewriters.
135 Dallas Ave. Phone 1479. 19-26 Business Service FRIGIDAIRE Sales and Service. F. S.
Kemp. Phone 1409. s1-1m MATTRESS rebuilding. See McClintock, Broad and Griffin. "Innersprings" our specialty.
Phone 9143. 19-1t Male Instruction WANTED -Young men and women to prepare themselves for Jobs in the Printing Industry, which depends on trained and developed labor. Printing contains varied field and unlimited possibilities available to the men and women who would avail themselves of the opportunities offered them in 8 competent training course in Linotype, Presswork, Hand Composition and Monotype offered under supervision of trained instructors with modern equipment. For free catalog write V. C.
Garriott, Secretary-Treasurer of the Southern School of Printing, 1514-16 South Street, Nashville, Tennessee. 1-Announcements USED Auto Parts, Glass, Brake Lining. Anniston Scrap Material Co. WE buy or trade for used Furniture Phone 997 Skinner's FIX your driveways before Winter. C.
Pierson Cosby for clay gravel and pea gravel. a29-1m CRUISES and Tours. Travel information. Mrs. Elsie R.
Stollenwerck, Faunsdale, Ala. 12-19 WHY pay more for your gasoline miles? Try our high-4 test Mo-Pep Gasoline. Only guaranteed gas sold in Selma. You must be satisfied. 22c per gallon.
Twilley's. 7 stations to serve you. 16-19 STOP! "NOW LISTEN!" Check Your Candy Case If you are short any number, phone 180, and see how quick you can get your order. GIBSON CANDY CO. 1221 ALABAMA AVENUE 19-1t SCHOOL TIME.
Have your children properly fitted with glasses now before their school work really begins. Bewig-Lawhon Jewelry and Optical Inc. s1-1m CHRISTINE'S BEAUTY SALON will be located, Oct. 1, above Liepold's; entrance steps by Carter Drug Co: 819-1m PAINT is a life policy on your home; it also beautifies inside and out. Let us give you an estimate.
Tillman's. s1-1m NEED GLASSES? Being Out of the HIGH-RENT DISTRICT We Can Serve All Who Need Glasses Just as They Require Economically and Efficiently, Too SELMA OPTICAL CO. 719 BROAD STREET SELMA, ALABAMA 19-1t 2-Automobiles Fall Clearance Sale NEW and USED TIRES EASY TERMS NO RED TAPE SEE ED REYNOLDS "Goodrich" Dealer WATER AVENUE "BY THE BRIDGE" 81-1m PHONE 161 for 24-hour. Auto Repairing, Washing, and Greasing. Gasoline and battery service.
Wrecker service. Twilley's. 16-19 YOU WILL BE PERMANENTLY PLEASED WITH THESE USED CARS 1980 Buick 4-Door Sedan 75 1929 Plymouth Sedan -------1 75 1929 Ford Tudor 60 1929 Ford Tudor 1928 Ford Fordor Sedan 60 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 75 1929 Ford Coupe 55 1931 Ford Coupe $125 1933 Ford Coupe 1933 Ford Coupe DIXIE CHEVROLET CO. Used Car Lot- St. PHONE 895 19-1t 24-HOUR Battery Service.
2- -Automobiles Deason Service Station, Broad phone 603. a22-1m 3-Business Opportunities HOTEL ALBERT Service Station for sale. J. W. Thomas Sons.
Phone 1294. 19-1t 5-Financial WHEN YOU need extra dollars. Selma Financing Loan Co. 1-1m PERSONAL LOANS $5 to $50 to Salaried Employes Dallas Loan Discount Co. Phone 617 Selma, Ala.
s1-1m I HAVE money to loan on Selma real estate. Bowie Smith. 19-1t USED CAR BARGAINS 1930 Chevrolet Coach 65 Motor in A-1 condition. 1929 Ford 1 truck 55 A real buy. 1934 Ford Tudor Tires practically new, new' paint job.
1933 Ford Coupe $265 Clean inside and out. TEN-DAY SPECIAL TWO-GALLON CAN "TEXACO VALOR" MOTOR OIL for 98c 30-40-50 Grades. A Limited Supply, So Hurry. CARR MOTOR -No. 2 JOHN W.
CREAGH, Mgr. Jeff Davis and Broad Phone 49 19-1t 6-For Rent FOR RENT OR SALE Seven-room brick home, 1845 Broad St. Bowie Smith. 16-3t YOU WILL RENT YOUR PROPERTY SOONER It You Tell Everybody About It In A WANT AD Phone 77, Times-Journal Want-Ad Dept. FURNISHED cottage, 707 Church St.
Phone Mrs. Walter Huston, 723. 16-3t FOUR-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, two furnished connecting rooms adjoining bath. 721 Parkman. Phone 1117-M.
17-2t FOR RENT- Possession Oct. 1, Moorer home, Selmont, three bedrooms, $25.00. Claughton Johnson, Agent. FOR RENT- Possession Oct. 1, Wallace home, Montgomery highway, $25.00.
Claughton Johnson, Agent. 19-1t MODERN six-room house for rent immediately. Phone 1516-W. 19-1t FOR RENT or Sale. House, 37 Lamar.
See McDonald Campbell. 19-1t ATTRACTIVE bungalow, Marion Junction, city conveniences, 7 rooms, bath. Acre lot, near school, churches. Mrs. F.
C. Williams, 260 McDonald Ave. "Flo Clair," Mobile. 19-1t FOR RENT Six-room brick veneer, Primrose Terrace, $40.00. Five-room cottage, 808 Parkman, $25.00.
Five-room cottage, 302 Selma, $20.00. Nine-room, two-story, 705 Dallas, $45.00. Apartmentts Two new Cawthon Apartments, Pettus all electric equipment furnished. $15.00, north upstairs, 703 Tremont. $17.50 each, upstairs, 525-527 Lamar.
$17.50, upstairs, 4 rooms, 615 Mabry. Nice east apartment, 716 Dallas, 3 rooms. One second and one third-floor, Georgletta, Alabama. Lovely, 4 rooms, upstairs. J.
P. DAY 19-1t 7-For Rent- partments TWO APARTMENTS; brick building: steam heat: hot and cold water; garage. Lee Adler. Phone 288, a26-1m FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments. 115 Mabry, Phone- 435-W or 1071-M.
JI-1m ONE 4-room, one 5-room apartment; steam heated. Phone 123. 15-4t 7-For Rent-Apartments TO ADULTS, first floor furnished apartment. 804 Church. Phone 1410.
19-1t TWO unfurnished rooms adjoining bath, private porch, entrance, garage. Mrs. Dampman, 112 Alabama. 19-1t THREE connecting, furnished rooms and garage. 401 Lamar.
Phone 535-J. 19-1t NICE apartment, furnished room. Mrs. H. F.
Cooper, 819 Jeff Davis. 19-3t APARTMENT, floors, woodwork freshly painted. Mrs. Hartwell Tarver. Phone 465.
19-1t FURNISHED downst air apartment, 328. Church. Phone 688-J. 19-1t TWO apartments, one block post office, floor. $20.00 each.
Occupancy October first. Geo. Breeden. Albert Hotel. 19-1t 8 -For Rent- FURNISHED room.
405 Gary St. Call Mrs. Sherrer at 714. 17-2t FURNISHED bedroom, connecting bath. Mrs.
J. A. Bishop, 1924 Broad. 19-1t FURNISHED room, private bath, and entrance, two doors from post office. Phone 792.
19-1t DESIRABLE furnished room, adjoining bath, gas heat. Mrs. C. T. Sowden, 2231 Broad.
Phone 727-J. 19-1t FURNISHED bedroom, also garage. Gentlemen only. Phone 1371. 19-1t TWO large furnished rooms, connecting or single.
Mrs. Robert Patterson. Belle Marie Apartments. Phone 1441. 19-1t 9-For Sale--Miscellaneous FIVE Gallons guaranteed pure white Kerosene Oil 65c, delivered.
Twilley's. 24-hour service. GILLIS Radio and Appliance Co. Radios-Ranges-Refrigerators. Phone 403.
s2-1m COMPLETE line school supplies. Fountain pens, 25c. Carter Drug Co. s5-1m BLACK Leg Aggressin and Hog Cholera Pilcher-McBryde Drug Co. s1-1m THE only girl in the world deserves a diamond just as fine.
Let us furnish your engagement and wedding rings. Bewig-Lawhon Jewelry and Optical Inc. s1-1m ANYTHING and everything. New and used furniture. Duke Furniture Co.
M1-1ma 1937 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan Only Used as Demonstrator LOW MILEAGE At a Real Attractive Price CARR MOTOR CO. Phone 1360 and 1361 16-3t You'll Like OUR CARS OUR PRICES OUR TERMS 1936 Chevrolet Standard Town Sedan $495 1931 Ford Tudor $195 1928 Chevrolet Coach 95 1931 Hudson Sedan 1936 Oldsmobile Coupe $675 1932 Chevrolet Coach 1935 Ford Fordor Sedan, radio $415 1934 Ford Tudor $345 1931 Ford Sedan $175 1934 Terraplane Sedan $375 1934 Reo Sedan $895 1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan $385 BAILEY MOTOR CO. Corner Selma and Church St. Phone 411 Selma, Ala. 19-1t REDUCTION on all colored glassware, including stemware, flower bowls, etc.
Just arrived beautiful pantry sets in white with blue, red or green. Tissier Hardware Co. 19-1t HUNDREDS GAS HEATERS CALL FOR ESTIMATES COOK HARDWARE COMPANY PHONE 206 Sale- Miscellaneous FOR SALE Stimpson computing scales, electric meat choppers, coffee mills, built right, guaranteed right, priced right. For sales or service, call or write M. A.
Malcomb, phone 701, Selma. s16-1m BICYCLE Specials! $10.00 and $15.00. We repair bicycles, typewriters, any make, at lowest prices. Bendersky's, 1117 Alabama Street. s1-1m HI-TEST Mo-Pep Gasoline, 22c guaranteed no click; more miles; less carbon.
We guarantee this or money back. 24-hour service. Twilley's. 16-19 FOR SALE Two lovely large lots, North Broad near Sixth beautiful trees, east frontage, real bargains. Terms.
J. P. Day. 19-1t WE HAVE big stock of basic slag, fine for hairy vetch. Geo.
M. Callen. s18-1m MONOGRAM Stationery at no additional cost; 50c per box. Pilcher-McBryde. s1-1m BOOKKEEPING desk for sale, good condition.
Phone 1460-R. 19-2t LARGE size Frigidaire, good condition, $50. Jack Leva. Phone 133. 19-26-3-10 HOUSEHOLD furnishings.
Bedroom suites, single bed, tables, heatrola, wardrobe, kitchen tables, refrigerator. Call 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. Nell McKinnon.
Phone1451. 19-1t Bone Meal and Vigoro for Fall flowers. Dutch Hyacinth, 3 for 25c; Darwin Tulips, 6 for 25c; Pansy Plants, 25c dozen. Tillman's. s1-1m WASHABLE kalsomine self sizing.
A super kalsomine that provides a new type of permanent beauty for walls and ceilings: Tissier Hardware Co. s1-1m B-4-U BUY ANY USED CAR BE SURE YOU SEE THE CARS AT CARR MOTOR CO. 1933 1933 Plymouth Coach Plymouth Coupe $235 1934 Plymouth Sedan $295 1934 Chevrolet Coach $295 1934 Oldsmobile Coach $295 1934 Ford Tudor $295 1935. Ford Tudor $895 1936 Ford Tudor $495 Used Cars Are Only Sold at CARR MOTOR CO. PHONE 1360 and 1361 s1-1m USED washed sand and gravel and save cement.
C. Pierson Cosby. a29-1m OLD NEWSPAPERS Good for packing china, wrapping furniture, or to spread on your floor before papering -or painting. Large bundle, 5c, already wrapped. Selma Times-Journal Office.
1-1m FOR -Wood and coal heater. 2327 Jeff Davis Ave. 19-1t TWO baby beds, one youth bed with mattresses, 2 coat racks. Real bargains. Geo.
Breeden, Albert Hotel. 19-1t PHILCO electric radio, five tubes; a joy for the family, $25.00. Tillman's. s1-1m WAX saves your painted and varnished. With two pounds wax polisher free.
Tillman's. s1-1m FOR wedding gifts, see our beautiful patterns in Crystalware, China, and Silver. I. J. Hix, Jeweler and Optometrist.
15-4t 10-Good Eats FOR delicious Cakes, Bread, Pastries use "Invincible" Flour. Ask your grocer. al-1m 10-Good Eats WEINERS, Links, Bologna; wholesale and retail. Pay and Tote. s1-1m 11-Help Wanted WANTED Colored man and wife with small family to work on farm.
Straight salary. Apply Selma Times-Journal. 14-tf 13-Help Wanted -Female SPECIAL work for married women. Earn to $21 weekly, your own dresses free. No canvassing.
Give age and dress size. Fashion Frocks, Dept. E-4668, Cincinnati, Ohio. 19-1t WOMEN Earn Good Pay. Wonderful Opportunity.
Experience Unnecessary. Addressing envelopes for us. Everything Supplied. enclosing stamped addressed envelope. Nationwide Distributors, 401 Broadway, N.
Y. 19-1t 14-Help Wanted- -Male RELIABLE man or woman, neat appearing, steady, to handle Watkins route in Selma. Experience unnecessary, training given. Hustler can earn $25 to $35 weekly. Watkins Products, 70-88 W.
Iowa Memphis, 19-1t 15-Wanted-Salesmen MAN wanted supply Rawleigh's Household Products to consumers. We train, help you. Good profits for hustlers. No experience necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified work.
Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. ALI-184-53, Memphis, Tenn. 19-1t REAL KNOX SUITS, $17.50 Direct clothing salesmen--sell five orders against one at higher prices. REAL KNOX SUITS sweep the field for $17.50.
If you can qualify, get the line that sells and satisfies. Apply for outfit. REAL KNOX CLOTHES KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 16-Lost and Found FOUND-Wire haired male fox terrier, with rabies: Communicate with Dr. J. H.
Ryland. 19-1t 17-Poultry and Livestock MARES! Mares! Arrived last night, 2 carloads of mares, 3 to 5 years old. I have several good mares with colts by side. All broke. George Willhite.
19-1t DRUMM Chicks are U. S. Certified grade. 100 per cent White Diarrhea Clean. Winners World's Fair and National contests.
Catalogue Free. Drumm Egg Farms, Hattiesburg, Miss. 19-1t FEED the kind of feed that makes you Consult us before you buy. Tillman's Hatchery. s1-1m 18-Real Estate FORECLOSED BARGAINS MARENGO COUNTY: Robbins farm, 856 acres located 8 miles northwest of Dayton.
Excellent prairie land adapted to cotton and alfalfa. Fine water supply. 30 bearing pecan trees, dwelling and 15 tenant houses. 800 acres have been in cultivation. Price $16.000.
PERRY COUNTY: Miree farm, 980 acres located 2 1-2 miles southeast of Marion, 5 tenant houses, 700 acres have been in cultivation. Timber worth about $2,500. PERRY COUNTY: Lewis farm, 226 acres located 7 miles southeast of Uniontown, 8 tenant houses, 175 acres have been in cultivation. Price $6,000. The above farms are owned by financial Institution desiring to reduce its real estate account.
Terms cash, balance 15 equal annual Installments at low rate, with prepayment privilege. Apply Andrew D. Cromer, Uniontown, Alabama, or write owners 1113 Whitney Building, New OrJeans, Louisiana. a18-tf FOR SALE-53 acres land, all heavy hardwood timber, dirt cheap. W.
W. Day, phone 897 or 920. 14-16-19 FOR SALE or Rent, Elebash home, Dallas rent $37.50 per month. Claughton Johnson, Agent. 19-1t FOR SALE acres, beautiful location for home, miles city limits.
Bargain and terms. J. P. Day. 19-1t FOR SALE--Account owner leaving Selma, lot Arsenal Place, running back.
to river, at a great sacrifice. Easy terms if desired, Sale board on lot. J. P. Day.
19-1t 19-Seeds and Plants ITALIAN Rye Grass, new stock flower seed. Hairy vetch and onion sets. Vestergaard's Seed Store. s1-1m CONTRACT BRIDGE By William E. McKenney SOLUTION TO PREVIOUS CONTRACT PROBLEM Today's hand came to me in the mail with a request from a constant reader of my column for a decision as to whether he was "dumb" or unlucky in the play.
It is a type of hand in which the optimist who hopes for the best is bound to get all the worst of it. A 105 107 Q9652 10975 A 42 A 964 J83 932 Q86 Void 10-74 Dealer K072 AJ54 83 Rubber-N. vul. South West North East Pass Pass 3 Pass 3 N. T.
Pass Pass Pass Opening lead- J. 18 Surprisingly, however, it is a hand which should not give to any bridge player who has passed beyond the primary stage the slightest difficulty in play. There is no quarrel about the bidding. North and South used a minor bid of three to show a long setup suit, and my correspondent with certain stoppers in two of the suits and a thinly guarded stopper in the third, as well as two clubs, rightly bid three no trump. The opening lead of the spade jack was won by East with the king, who returned a spade, declarer winning with the ace in dummy.
Declarer counted the clubs in dummy. There were seven there and he held two. "The suit must break," he rea- 19 -Seed and Plants ITALIAN Rye Grass Seed just received. Fresh Fall Garden Seed. Atwell Floral Co.
s1-1m ITALIAN Rye Grass, 12c pound; frost-proof Cabbage Plants, 15c a hundred. Tillman's. s1-1m 20-Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED to buy small used coal heater. Write "Heater," care Times-Journal. 19-1t WANTED TO RENT 7- room house in West Selma: Write care TimesJournal.
19-3t WANTED Chairs to Recane. Work guaranteed. Cecil Williams, 1217 Small Ave. 14-1w WANTED to buy, copy of Fry's History of Cahaba. Answer care Times-Journal.
16-tf WANTED, Sewing. Will come to house by the day. Many years' experience. Write Mrs. E.
B. Smith. Phone 428-J. WANTED SEWING. Will come to the house by the day.
Also will sew by the piece. 410 Lamar, upstairs. Mrs. R. L.
Paracini. 13-tf WANTED trucks to haul logs. B. F. Hicks, Alberta, Ala.
19-3t 21-Wanted Position DELLA PURIFOY, 21, white, wants job as companion or any sort of work. Address 2327 Jeff Davis Ave. 17-2t WANTED Regular or extra stenographic work, experienced. Write care Times-Journal. 17-2t 25-Farm Lands FOR SALE 150 acres known as King place, six miles east of Selma.
Bowie Smith. 19-1t FOR rent, 1 or 2 horse farms with houses. Apply 412 Union st. to 10 Mornings. 19-1t Legal Notices MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICE Default having been made in the terms of the mortgage executed to the undersigned by Anna W.
Breeden and husband, George L. Breeden, on the 29th day of May, 1936, which said mortgage 1s recorded in the Probate Office of Dallas County, Alabama, In Record Book 317, on page 273, and said default continuing, the undersigned, Winston E. Brown, 8S trustee, will sell at public outery for cash to the highest bidder, in front of the courthouse door. said County, between the legal hours of sale, on the 7th day of October, A. -1937, the following described real estate in the City of Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south margin of Alabama Avenue one hundred and one (101) feet, more or less, east of the southeast -intersection of Alabama Ave- soned, and laid down the ace.
Eas followed suit, but the fat was in the fire, when West played a low heart. "Was my play such a bad one?" my correspondent inquired. The play was a very bad one, and while there may be little reason for the use of superlatives in describing it, it was the type of play which no player should ever make twice. Declarer had all other suits stopped. He had no need to gamble.
He had cashed one spade trick and is sure of another. He must win six club tricks if he takes the obvious safety play of giving up a trick on the first lead of the suit, and thus with the diamond ace nine tricks are sure. When the choice lies between safety and a gamble, the wise player plays safe. Contract Problem (Solution in next issue) South is playing the contract at three no trump. If West holds the club king, he can count nine tricks.
Should he win the first trick, hoping for another heart trick with the jack, or refuse to and force West to shift to another suit? 4 A 96 0 0742 6 (Blind) (Blind) Dealer 4 10 A 3 AK7 10,954 Rubber- -None vul. Opener- K. 18 19-1t nue and Mabry Street, in the City of Selma, Alabama, and at the northeast corner of the lot formerly owned by A. E. Baker; and running thence southwardly on a line with Mabry Street one hundred and eighty (180) feet, more or less; to an alley; thence eastwardly along the north side of said alley fifty four (54) feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the lot conveyed by Anna W.
Breeden and husband to Rosa E. Katzenberg by mortgage which is recorded in the Probate Office of Dallas County, Alabama, in Book 815, at page 63; thence northwardly and parallel to Mabry Street one hundred and eighty (180) feet, more or less, to the south margin of Alabama Avenue; thence westwardly along the south margin of said Alabama Avenue fifty four (54) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. There is expressly excepted from this conveyance an easem*nt or right of way over and across a six foot strip of land on the eastern edge of the above described tract. for the purposes of ingress and egress to and from the property immediately joining within described property and to the east thereof, as such right of way is granted by the mortgage to Katzenberg, as above set out. Such sale is made for the purpose of paying the debt secured by said mortgage and costs and expenses of foreclosure, including 8 reasonable attorney's fee.
WINSTON E. BROWN, as trustee, mortgagee. Winston E. Brown, Attorney. 5-12-19 REGISTRATION NOTICE In accordance with the provisions of an act approved Aug.
20, 1927, the Registrars of Dallas County, Alabama, do hereby give notice that the following appointments are set for the purpose of registering those qualified under the law to register as Electors: Precinct No. 1 at Plantersville on Oct. 1st 1937 9 a. m. to 12 noon.
Precinct No. 3 at Woodlawn on Oct. 1st 1937 1 p. m. to 4 p.
m. Precinct No. 4 at Valley Creek on Oct. 2nd 1937. 9 a.
m. to 1 p. Precinct No. 6 at Dubitn on Oct. 4th 1937 9 a.
m. to 12 noon. Precinct No. 2 at Summertield on 4th 1937 1 p. m.
to p. m. Precinct No. 22 at Burnsville on Oct. 5th 1937 9 a.
m. to 12 noon. Precinct No. 23 at Union on Oct. 5th 1937 1 p.
m. to 4 p. m. Precinct No. 29 at Browns on Oct.
6th 1937 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Precinct No. 27 at Massillon ea Oct.
6th 1937 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Precinct No.
28 at Marion Junction on Oct. 7th 1937 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Precinct No.
5 at Harrells on Oct. 7th 1937 1 p. m. to 4 p. m.
Precinct No. 25 at Safford on Oct. 8th 1937 9 a. m. to 1 p.
m. Precinct No. 24 at Pences on Oct. 8th 1937 1 p. m.
to 4 p. m. Precinct No. 7 at Martin Station on Oct. 9th 1937 9 m.
to 12 noon. Precinct No. 35 at Mitchells 00 Oct. 9th 1937 1 p. m.
to p. m. Precinct No. 8 at Orrville on Oct 11th 1937 9 a. m.
to 12 noon. Precinct No. 9 at Lexington on Oct. 11th 1937 1 p. m.
to 4 p. m. Precinct No. 33 at Minter on Oct. 12th 1937 9 a.
m. to 12 noon. Precinct No. 34 at Tilden on Oct. 12th 1937 1 p.
to p. m. Precinct No. 14 at Richmond on Oct. 13th 1937 9 a.
m. to 12 noon. Precinct No. 32 at Elm Bluff on Oct. 13th 1937 1 p.
m. to 4 p. m. Precinct No. 13 at Pleasant Hill on Oct.
14th 1937 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Precinct No. 10 at Berlin' on Oct.
14th 1937 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. Precinct No.
-12 at Tyler on Oct. 15th 1937 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Precinct No.
11 at Pine Flat on Oct. 15th 1937 1 p. m. to 4 p. m.
Precinct No. 30 at Kings on Oct. 16th 1937 9 a. m. to 12 noon.
At Court House, Selma, Ala. Oct. 18th to Nov. 4th. Both Inclusive.
MRS. JULIA S. PHILLIPS, Chairman H. F. CRANDALL SLOAN ROWAN Registrars Dallas County.
No persons shall be registered except at the court house or in the precinet or ward where he or she resides. YOUR AD OUGHT TO BE RIGHT HEREFor thousands of others are doing just what you are. 17-2t.