The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2025)

0 0 0 PAGE EIGHT THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1937 FRANCO CLAIMS CAUSE WON AND WAR NEARS END General Collapse Of Foe Expected Shortly By Rebel Leader MADRID, Nov. squads searched bomb shattered buildings of the Catalan city Lerida today for additional victims of an Insurgent air raid already reported by the government to have taken 125 lives. Hospitals were filled with inJured men, women and children. More than 50 bodies of children had been removed from a primary school which was wrecked over their heads near closing time yesterday when nine tri-motored planes roared in from the west and dumped their explosives, A government communique called the raid a "vicious and criminal attack upon a civilian population." After the raiders dropped their bombs, the statement charged, they flew low over the city machine-gunning many panic-stricken residents in the streets. Medical aid was sent to Lerida, from Barcelona, the Catalan capital, about 75 miles away.

(The insurgent press in Burgos, meanwhile, published a declaration by Gen. Francisco Franco, the insurgent leader, that "the war is won." will finish with a general collapse of our opposition which each day becomes more certain," the generalissimo asserted. "One day Spain will wake up and have the surprise of learning the war is over." (The government communique reaching Hendaye, France. reported little activity save yesterday's attack on Lerida. insurgent communique said only "nothing to Them Resolutions Deplore Death Of Mallory Resolutions deploring the death of Hugh Mallory have been drawn up by the official board of the Brown chapel, A.

M. E. church, to express the sadness the congregation of the colored church feels in the passing of Mr. Mallory, who so often proved himself their frend. Signed by the board and the Rev.

C. B. Moseley, pastor of Brown chapel, the resolutions are as follows: "Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father in his all-wise providence to take unto himself one whom we loved and respected-a Christian brother--who, like the lowly Nazarene Galilee, sympathized with the poor and humble, and one whose powerful intellect and big heart made him always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, the pastor and members of the Brown chapel, A. M. E.

church, bow their heads in humble submission to the will of God. "Recognizing that we have lost in the death of Mr. Hugh Mallory true and tried friend and counsellor in the day of adversity, we hereby extend our sympathy to the members of this bereaved family and pray that God will sustain them in this hour of trial and suffering. 'Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterward receive me to thy Program For Jaycees Tentatively Approved A program of activity for the Junior Chamber of Commerce, to be submitted before members for their approval at a meeting te be held Thursday evening, was drafted at a session of the Board of Directors held Tuesday evening at the home of the president, Alston Keith. It originally was planned to have James M.

Brown, State president, and Archie Leach, secretary, both of Tuscaloosa, be present at the directors' meeting but the two state officers who were in Selma during Tuesday to confer with Mr. Keith were unable to remain over until evening. Directors present were Russell Burson, Claude Cobb, Roy Smith, Frank Cothran, McLean Pitts, Mallory Privett and Newton Allen. Supper will. be served at the meeting to be held Thursday evening at 7:15 at the with full attendance of the Selma Junior Chamber of Commerce expected.


Wynn Deferred to next Tuesday when details will be more thoroughly gone into, consideration of the question of a site for the negro community house was not taken up at a conference held yesterday afternoon. The conference will be called by Dr. E. W. Gamble, in charge of the arrangements for the WPA project and its sponsor.

Members of the finance committee from city council with President of Council Milton Wood and Mayor L. P. Burns added will be present also. Dr. S.

J. Hocking, of the University of Alabama center, in Montgomery, who has appeared before several Selma audiences in recent weeks, will be the speaker at the second of the forum groups sponsored by the Selma Teachers' association to be held at 8 o'clock Thursday evening at the Junior High school. At this time Dr. Hocking will give the first of two lectures he is to give on the Chinese-Japanese situation. His subject tonight will be "Conflict.

Between the United States and Japan in the Pacific Edgar Stewart is ill at his home on King street. Members of the Rotary club are inviting past, and also prospective members to join them at their regular luncheon meeting Friday at the when the speaker will be District Governor George Klimes. After the luncheon, the district governor will meet with the officers, directors, and committee chairmen. Announcement has been received by the Selma club that the district conference will be held at Dothan April 24-26. W.

Pettus, who was a patient at the Selma Baptist Hospital for several weeks, is now improving at his home on Selma avenue, having been returned there earlier in the week from the hospital, Battery service men of Selma and Montgomery, some 20 in number, will be guests at a dinner to be held Wednesday evening at The Hub, on the Montgomery, highway. J. R. Twilley, of Selma, is serving as chairman in making arrangements for the affair. Joe Melton, well known resident I of Pine Apple, returned to his home today from the Selma tist Hospital, The Rev.

E. W. Gamble, rector of St, Paul's Episcopal Church, who went to Birmingham Wednesday to conduct the funeral of C. H. Kirkland, held at St.

Mary's on The Highlands, was accompanied there by John Blake. Members of Mr. Kirkland's famfly from Selma attending the services were his two daughters, Mrs. John Faulk, and Miss Jane Kirkland, Mr. Faulk and Mr.

and Mrs. N. S. Self. The body of the El Paso attorney, who died after a long illness, was returned to Birmingham from the Texas city for burial, Operation of the County's new Many have been made "FOOT-HAPPY" with perfect fitting and smart, new Shoes during thisFIRST ANNIVERSARY SHOE SALE It lasts just through Saturday.

TEPPER'S SECOND FLOOR SHOE DEPT. DROP IN STEEL SALES CHECKED Chances Of Marked Gain In Demand Considered Limited, However NEW YORK, Nov. 3-(P)-Indications that the drop in steel buying has been checked were cited by "iron age" today. Chances of marked improvement were seen as limited, however, due to continued hand-to-mouth buying by the Automobile industry. The review said the outcome of the New York Automobile show is expected to have a pronounced effect on steel purchases of motor companies from now on.

"In keeping with the precipitous decline in steel ingot production," the survey added, "pig-iron, output dropped sharply in October, from 113,679 tons a day in the previous month to 93,311 tons, a loss of 17.9 per cent and the number of furnaces in blast was reduced from 181 on Oct. 1, to 151 on Nov. 1, this loss of 30 being the largest in one month since 1924 when 40 went out in April and 46 in May. "The sharpest drop in the 1929 slump was in November when' 26 furnaces were blown out. "Pig-iron production in October totalled 2,899,629 tons compared with 3,410,371 tong in September.

Last month's daily rate: was the lowest since September, 1936 when the figure was 91,010 tons, "October sales of steels were from 15 to 30 per cent below those of September, depending on the company and the product, the chief decline being suffered by the heavy steels. "Railroad buying is at rockbottom minimum as the carriers prepare their cases for rate rise application and an increase in passenger fares. "While rail buying is expected this winter it is believed now that important equipment purchases will be deferred pending a decision by the Interstate Commerce commission on further rate increases, which probably will not be announced for at least three months." Mrs. Louie Reynolds Passes In Florida News of the death of Mrs. Louie Reynolds, which occurred early Friday night in Ft.

Myers, was received here by members of the Reynolds family. Mrs. Reynolds was stricken two weeks ago with a severe illness from which she never rallied. The body was sent at 6 a.m. Wednesday by train from Ft.

Myers to Selma while Mr. Reynolds, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. W. J. Reynolds, of this city, and a sisterin-law, Mrs.

Averytte, of Birmingham, left by motor for Selma. Funeral services will be held here, arrangements to be announced by Breslin-Service. COX TO ADVISE QUEZON MANILA, P. Nov. 3.

(AP) President Manuel Quezon today appointed Creed F. Cox, U. S. as his advised on govern- mental affairs. Quezon said the general would not be consulted on military affairs or American relations.

STORIES IN STAMPS STAMP THAT CAUSED TWO-NATION FEUD INTERNATIONAL stamp battle extraordinary. That was rousing outcome recently of the new Nicaraguan map stamp which included part of Honduran territory. At least. Honduras claimed the territory--hence the feud, which stopped short only of sending troops to the frontier. in question.

The new stamp. in the upper right section, shows a strip of territory marked "Territorio en Litigio" (in dispute). Honduras immediately asserted this area not to be in instead to be a part of Honduras. The disputed area. contended Honduras.

was adjudicated in 1906 by a Royal Spanish award which both countries accepted. So Honduras promptly barred the new stamp from that country. And in retaliation, Nicaragua banned a 1935 Honduran airmail stamp including the area in dispute as part of Honduras. So intense became the feud that many residents in Honduras were called home: orators of both countries broadcast bitter speeches the more zealous patriots urged war Mediation. however.

quieted the dispute. though diplomatic relations were at the breaking point The Nicaraguan stamp is shown below 1997. NE.A 1 30 NEXT: What is known as ture's most dazzling courtship? Markets MARKETS AT A GLANCE New York Stocks- Weak; steels lead decline. Bonds--Lower; only U. S.

loans hold against down trend. Curb- selling hits highpriced specialties. Foreign exchange Steady; sterling, franc higher. Cotton -Barely steady; December liquidation, Sugar--Even; steady spot market. Coffee- Weak; Brazilian export tax removed.

Chicago Wheat Weak; influenced by Corn-Easy; enlarged crop estimates. Cattle-25 to.50 lower. Hogs-10 to 20 higher; top $9.80. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, Nov. 3-(AP) --Dominated largely by acute weakness of securities and by importers indifference, wheat late today repeatedly smashed now, price record of more than a year.

Maximum downturns of wheat values amounted to three cents a bushel. Stoploss selling orders in profusion were forced into execution by the market tumbles, with much notice taken of reports of disappointing smallness of domestic flour trade. At the close, wheat Was cents under yesterday's finish, Dec May corn off to up, Dec. May and oats at decline. WHEAT- Open High Low Close Dec.

May .91 July COANDec. May .59 July .60 OATS Dec. May July SOY BEANS Dec. May .97 .97 RYE Dec. .72 .72 May .69 July LARDNov.

9.67 9.70 9.67 9.70 Dec. 9.52 9.55 9.55 9.52 Jan. 9.52 9.52 9.50 9.50 CHICAGO CASH GRAIN CHICAGO, N. 0. 3-(AP)-Cash wheat, No.

3 red No. 1 hard 1.02½; corn, No. 3 mixed No. 2 yellow kiln dried; No. 2 white Oats, 'No.

2 white rye No. 2 soy beans No. 2 yellow. barley feed 46-62 nom; malting 60-92 nom; timothy seed 2.25-65 cwt; red clover 27.50-32.50; sweet 7.00-75. Lard 9.75; Bellies 13.50.

ST. LOUIS CASH GRAIN ST. LOUIS, Nov. 3-(AP)-Cash: Wheat, No. 2 red No.

3, 93. Corn, No. 2 yellow No.3, 55-56. Oats, No. 3 white 32.

Futures close- wheat, Dec. 92; May 92. Corn Dec. sellers; May sellers. WALL STREET NEW YORK, Nov.

3-(P)-In a dragging decline the stock market lost 1 to around 4 points in quiet trading today. Steels and motors were ringleaderg in the recession. Brokers said slack demand for steel and tainties surrounding the outlook for motor sales had put traders in a gloomy mood. Shares under mild pressure in the third hour were U. S.

Steel, Bethlehem, Youngstodn Sheet Tube, General Motors, Chryslers, Yellow Truck, Mack Truck, Goodyear, U. S. Rubber, Firestone, Montgomerp Ward, Sears Roebuck, International Harvester, United Aircraft, American Telephone, Consolidated Edison, U. S. Smelting, Anaconda, Kennecott, American Smelting, American Can, Sata Fe, New York Cetral, Philip Morris, Eastman Kodak and Johns-Manville.

A sharp downswing in coffee futures followed the scrapping of control of the staple by Brazil. Corn was a little higher. Cotton and wheat declined. The pound sterling and French franc gained. Bonds were mixed.

New talk of inflation in some Wall Street circles and attention to recent foreign rumors of a possible lift in the United States gold re price gave a fillip to gold shares. Transactions approximated 900,000 shares. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, Nov. 3-(P) -USDA: Hogs: Market 10-20 higher than Tuesday's average; top 9.80; bulk good and choice 190-230 lbs. 9.60- 75; 150-180 lbs.

9.45-75; 240-300 lbs. 9.30-75; most good packing sows 8.25-75; light-weights upward to 8.85-90. Cattle: Mostly 25-50 lower on both classes, but common grade heifers, common and medium steers and few longfed weighty steers showing no more than 25 cents downturn; longfed choice heavy steers very scarce but excessive run yearlings; light steers and fed heifers here; most fed heifers scaling 700-850 lbs. selling 50 off at 11.75 down to 8.00; best ted steers early 18,50, some held higher; cows and bulls strong; vealers steady; sausage bulls 6.75 down; vealers 10.50 down, Sheep: 10.35 paid for choice natives; bidding generally for bulk of run; few loads and lots of fat yearlings unsold; small lot native ewes 3.50-4.00, around steady. CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO, Nov.

live, 1 car, 41 trucks, steady to firm; hens 4 1-2 lbs. up 22, less 4 1-2 lbs. 18; springs, 4 lbs. up and less than 4 lbs. colored Plymouth Rock 22 1-2, White Rock 23; Leghorn chickens 18; geese 1 17; other live poultry prices unchanged.

Dressed market, about steady, turkey prices unchanged. PHONE 461 Let us give you our cheaper prices on dry cleaning prompt. efficient serf. ice. SUNSHINE CLEANERS FIVE LOSE LIVES AS NAVY PLANES MEET BULLETIN 2 P.

M. SEATTLE, Nov. 3-(P)-Five persons were. reported killed today when two Navy planes collided in mid-air over the southern end of Boeing Field, Men who witnessed the crash said two fliers in the smaller of the planes bailed out with parachutes and landed safely. The five men reported killed were in the other plane.

Jan. 4.51; March 4.55; May 4.60; July 4.62; Oct. 4.66. POTATOES CHICAGO, Nov. S.

Dept. -Potatoes, 74, on track 444, total U. 8. shipments 438; Idaho ssets steady; firm undertone, other stock steady; supplies heavy, demand slow; sacked per cwt. Idaho russet burbanks U.

S. No. U. S. No.

2, 1.17 1-2- 25; Colorado red McClures U. S. No. 1, 1.05-07 1-2; Minnesotas cobblers 85 to 90 per cent S. No.

1, 1.00-05; early Ohios 85 percent U. S. No. 1, .95. CHICAGO DAIRY PRODUCTS CHICAGO, Nov.

3-(P)-Butter 6,455, steady; prices unchanged. eggs, 3,082, firm, prices unchanged. COTTON SEED MEAL MEMPHIS, Nov. 3-(P)- Prime cotton seed meal futures. (41 per cent) closed steady, Closing bids for Memphis: Nov.

22.00; Dec. 20.75; Jan, 20.00; Feb. 20.00; March 19.75; April 19.55; May 1925; June 19.15, FLASHES OF LIFE (By The Associated Press) SOMETHING TO CACKLE ABOUT NEW YORK-(P)-A white leghorn, 18 months old, laid an egg as she was adjudged "hen of the year" in the annual Poultry Indus. tries Exposition here, whereupon her owner, Irving Kauder of New Platz, N. named her Lady Bountiful 2nd.

NAMES IS NAMES WASHINGTON-(P)-The trend in negro names in the Deep South and West is toward more ornamental titles, says Professor N. N. Puckett of Western Reserve University and cites such examples as: Biozola, Euphrasia, Neversene Diphtheria, Depression, W. P. Green Berry, St.

Elmo Shivers and Brownie Brown. LIGHTS, PLEASE! LAWRENCE, Novelist Sinclair Lewis likes lots of light, Here on a lecture tour, he refused to stay at the town's best hotel last night until 16 bright light bulbs were installed in his room. BACK TO KNITTING CLARION, (P) -Neola Thomas, 13, read the papers about an eastern football coach's proposal to have a girl kick points after touchdowns. She decided to try the sport and engaged in 8 football scrimmage with neighborhood boys. Now she's recovering from fractured left leg.

Negro Surrendered To Sheriff To Face Charges Of Attack NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, Nov. Bearish crop estimates, continued favorable weather in the belt and hedge selling brought moderate declines to the cotton market here today. In afternoon trading active positions were 3 to 10 points net lower with December at 7.75, March at 7.76, May at 7.81, July at 7.88, and October at 7.97. Trade demand appeared on all dips, but only in enough volume to absorb offerings at current levels. Business was active in pre-midsession dealings but tapered off in the afternoon for want of an incentive.

Traders were reluctant to enter upon new commitments in advance of the official crop estimate and general uncertainty over the textile situation. Private estimates issued today ranged from 17,116,000 to 000 bales. The latter figure, if realized would be the largest crop ever produced in the history of cotton growing. Futures closed steady net 1 point higher to 9 points lower. Open High Low Close Dec.

7.85 7.87 7.73 7.77 Jan. 7.83 7.83 7.73. 7.82 Mar. 7.87 7.92 7.76 7.82 May 7.92 7.94 7.80 7.78 July 7.93 7.97 7.86 7.91 Oct. 8.02 8.07 7.96 8.01 Dec.

(new) 8.04 8.04 8.04 8.04 NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, Nov. 3- (P) Cotton approached the low levels touched October 8 today, under a persistent flow of small hedge selling orders. Demand was restricted. Dec. led the decline as it eased $1 a bale to 7.68.

March reacted from 7.81 to 7.71. In midafternoon the list was within a point or two of the lows with net losses of 8 to 19 points. Futures closed steady, 9 to 20 lower. Open High Low Close Dec. 7.81 7.83 7.04 7.66 Jan.

7.76 7.81 7.63 7.65 Mch 7.77 7.81 7.69 7.72 May 7.82 7.86 7.73 7.77 July 7.88 7.91 7.80 7.81 Oct, 8.00 8.01 7,90 7.91 Spot quiet; middling 7.81. MONTGOMERY LIVESTOCK MONTGOMERY, Nov. 8- (P)-Cattle and calf arrivals today bid fair to liberal. The market opened fully steady with yesterday's quotations and was very active from the early start. Hog re- ciepts continue light.

hog market showed strength and made a 50 cent advance on all kinds. Steers heifers: Good to medium steers and heifers salable 6.00-7.00; fair to good kinds 4.50- plain fleshy lots 4.00-4.50 with the common bunches bringing 3.50-4.00. Cows: Choice heavy cows weighing upward of 900 pounds generally quotable 5.00-5.50; good quality fat cows 4.00-4.50; plain fleshy cows 3.75-4.00; cutters 3.25-3.50; canners 3.00 with the commoner kinds lower. Bulls: Best heavy weight bulls 5.00-5.25; good heavy bulls 4.50- 5.00; plain kinds 4.00-4.25 with the thin lightweights around 3.75. Calves: good lightweight calves carrying veal type weighing 150- 240 lbs.

6.50-7.00; good quality calves weighing 250-350 lbs 5.50- 6.00; baby beef quality scaling 375- 450 lbs 6.50- 7.00 with a few of the odd lot better kind making higher ground; common calves of all weights range in price from 3.50-5.50. Stockers feeders; Bulk of the best 5.75-6.25; fair to good kind carrying breeding and promise 5.00-5.75; plain lighter kinds 4.00-4.50 with the common kinds selling for 3.50-4.00. 0 Hogs: No. 1's 180-240 lbs. B.25.

No. 2's 150-180 lbs. 7.75. No. 3's 130-150 lbs.

7,25 No. 4's 110-130 lbs. 6.25. No. 5'g 60-110 lbs.

5.75. Heavies 240 lbs and up 6.00. Rough sOWS 180 lbs and up 6.75. Light sows 180 lbs, down 5.00 down. Stags (70 lb dock) 5.75.

4 N. O. COTTON SEED OIL NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 3-(P)- Cotton seed oil closed steady; bleachable -prime summer yellow 7.20 nominal; prime crude 5.87 Dec. 6.65 bid; Jan.

6.65 bid; March 6.70 bid; May 6.75 bid. SPOT COTTON NEW ORLEANS, Nov. Spot cotton closed steady 8 points lower. Sales low middling 6.37; middling 7.77; good middling 8.32; receipts 18.852; stocks 877,822. LIVERPOOL COTTON LIVERPOOL, Nov.

UP) Cotton, 1,000 bales, no American. Spot quiet; prices easier, 8 to 8 points lower; quotations in pence: American, strict good middling 5.48; middling 5.18; strict middling 4.93; middlig 4.63; strict low middling 4.38; low middling 3.88; strict good. ordinary 3.33; good ordinary 2.98. Futures closed quiet: Dec. 4.50; EYES HURT AFTER READING? Correct lenses will relieve the strain An examination bere will accurately determine the condition of your eyes.

BEWIG-LAWHON JEWELRY OPTICAL CO. ANNISTON, Nov. 3-(P)- Sheriff W. P. Cotton said today posse had turned over to him negro captured after a 16-year-old white girl reported a negro man had attempted to attack her.

Cotton said the captured man's legs had been peppered with shotgun pellets. Screams of the girl attracted persons in the vicinity and a posse formed, to hunt the negro the girl said threatened to molest her. Several shotguns were fired during the chase. Record Of Dale As Statesman Recalled MARION, Nov. 3-Aside from Sam Dale's activities as pioneer trail blazer and Indian fighter, he was Alabama's most outstanding statesman in the formation of the territory and the state, Col.

Jim Walton, secretary-director of the Sam Dale Historical society, declared here today. Col. Walton, who is here conferring with Dr. Sam A. Gordon, president of the Society, pointed out that Dale was a member of the Pearl River convention that divided Alabama and Mississippi into two territories, and when the gates wanted to run the line of Alabama east and west, parallel to the Tennessee line and locate Alabama south of Tennessee, making it a reservation for bad Indians, Dale and Judge Tait of Wilcox county opposed the proposition, and had the line run as now.

Dale was in Huntsville at the constitutional convention, and many of the provisions in that constitution were offered by 1 him. He was, also, named a commissioner to locate the capital at Cahaba in Dallas county. Walton said that Dale, in all his long and useful life, made but one mistake of not locating the capital at Selma the high bluffs of the Alabama river. gasoline loading shovel, to speed up road work by handling gravel at a more rapid speed than is possible under the old method, has been started at the Burnsville pit where a check of the first day's operations showed that 60 yards of gravel an hour were being hauled. An expected average loading of 300 yards per day probably will be reached and maintained soon, County Engineer Lewis Moore said Wednesday.

Gravel now being loaded is being used to surface the road thru Burnsville via Fremont to the county line. will continue for a week when the loading shovel will be moved to another point. The shovel recently was purchased by the county, and was put in operation Monday. Paving started Wednesday on the sidewalks which will abut the new Municipal Building, a PWA project, on the Alabama Avenue and Franklin Street sides, this work being done as a part of the contract held by Forcum-James. The City of Selma will pave the alley east of the new building, which is privately owned, but SO far no plans have been made to pave the public alley to the south Paving on the Franklin Street and Alabama Avenue sides will extend from the building to the curb except for a small area on each side of the front steps, which will be left unpaved for future plantings.

No prayer meeting services will be held at Church Street Methodist church Wednesday night as the service has been dispensed with in order to join with the Presbyterians in the meeting being conducted by Dr. Frank Crosley Morgan. The Board of Christian Education, however, will meet in the Baraca room of the Methodist church at 7 p. for a session. At the request of their Grand Exalted Ruler, Major Charles H.

Hart, Selma Elks will observe Traffic Night at their regular meeting Wednesday night at 1 8 o'clock, at which time the Selma Lodge will pledge its support in a campaign to reduce the number of traffic accidents. This is the objective of the Grand Lodge, and all orders throughout the United States have been asked to take part. At tonight's local meeting Mayor L. P. Burns, Chief of Police H.

L. Dickerson and Chief W. L. Pitts, of the Selma Fire Department, will be guests of honor. Miss Ellen Burton is improving from an appendix operation undergone at the Selma Baptist Hospital several days ago.

Frank Johnson, young son Vot Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson, is rallying from an appendix operation undergone at the Selma Baptist Hospital. Following the appearance of.

a flock of wild geese, in flight to the south, over Selma Tuesday night, local weather prognosticators see cold weather just around the corner, despite the balmy temperature of recent days, One Church street resident who claims to have been kept awake for hours by the loud honking of the geese last night, recalled a similar occurrence a winter or two ago when a sudden and gevere cold spell struck. Selma after the passage of a flock of wild geese. BIRTH CONTROL OPPOSED MANILA, P. Nov. 3.

(AP) President Manuel Quezon told reporters today he opposes birth control in the Philippines, believing that if the islands' 13,000,000 population is increased to 50,000,000, the Philippines will be safe from foreign aggression. SHORT-FOOTED COMFORT Many women whose feet are short and wide are under the impression that they can be. fitted comfortably only in a short vamp shoe, The fact is that the vamp is not so important to properly fitting a short, wide foot as is consideration of the type of arch. The arch should be placed in a comfortable position. Short wide feet have a tendency to spread and swell, especially in hot weather, 80 plenty of width should be allowed.

One of the Innovations of Napoleon was the metric system of weights and measures, with the meter as the basic unit, which became compulsory in France in 1801. John Picard, French astron. omer who lived from 1620 to 1682, is given original credit for the idea, PRESCRIPTIONS I accurately filled, economically priced and promptly delivered. We have filled more than half million. PILCHER-McBRYDE Phones NOT SOUP! SAID 00P! LD OSCAR PEPPER (OOP for short) is all whiskey -a grand and glorious combination of smooth, mellow, straight whiskies.

Famous since 1838. Try it! Old Oscar Pepper is a blend of straight whiskies, 90 proof, made by Frankfort Distilleries, Louisville and Baltimore. SEE WHERE OOP GETS ITS NAME? $100 $195 GRAND PEPPER PINT QUART CODE NO. B-104 CODE NO. A-104 WHISKIES see.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2025)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.