The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2025)

THIRTEEN THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL, SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1944 IteUgUius Neius andAxtivities of Selma Churches WEEKLY SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON First Baptist Church special YPE service for Sunday Hillrfe recovering from an operaevening. Choir and assembly sing- tion undergone in the Baptist Hosing will be a special feature. pital Selma. Christian Science 119 Mabry Street Tucker To Conduct Services In Selma Johs A. Davison, D.

Pastor Central Baptist Church 1415 Alabama Avenue John Cunningham, Minister 1715 Alabama. Phone 265 Grace Thompson Hugen, Mnsic Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Sunday Service 11 a. m.

The Rev. J. M. Baldru will con- i Mrs. J.

M. McLaughlin and fam-duct services at the church on qy spent the past Sundav with Mr. Monday and Tuesday. The public jand Mrs 3mlthand daughter is invited. Mary Emma.

Bobby Chance has returned ta school, having recovered from the measles. Carlowville Sunday: 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 10:50 a.

m. Worship. 6:15 p. m. Baptist Training Union.

7:30 p. m. Worship. Monday: 6:30 p. m.

B. T. U. Officers Tuesday: 5:30 p. m.

Girls Chorus. Wednesday: 6:15 p. m. Sunday School Conference. 7:30 p.

m. Bible Study and Service. Thursday: 6:30 p. m. Choir Rehearsal.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rollins and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

E. F. Smith and family. Bible School 9:45 Class assembly 10:00. General assembly, 10:50.

Morning worship. 11:00 "Saved. Training Union 6:45. Evening worship 7:45, "Unreasonable Riches. Midweek prayer hour, Wednesday 7:45.

Leader, Mrs. C. Schwartz topic God, a Chief Enemy wag saved." Choir meeting, Thursday 8. Scout Troop 32 Thursday 7. All day mission study Thursday April 27.

Plan for a great day May 14. Miss Lois Cqsey spent the past week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. C.

Casey of Minter. Church of the Nazarene Probation After Death is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, April 23, 1944. The Golden Text is: The last enemy that shall be destroyed ii death. (1st Corinthians 15: 26) Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon are the following from the Bible: If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on thing on the earth.

When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. And have put on the new man, which is re ndwed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: (Colossians 3: 1, 2, 4, 10) The Lesson-Sermon includes also the following passages from pages 325 and 76 of the Christian Science Textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary, Baker Eddy: When spiritual being is understood in alL its perfection, continuity, and might, then shall man be found in Gods image. Death can never hasten this state of existence, for death must be overcome, not submitted to, before immortality appears. The St. Ill class is planning to give its play An Old Fashioned Mother.

the 28th of April at night. Church St. Methodist 1820 Alabama Avenue Rev. W. R.

Platt, Pastor 1818 Ala. Ave. Phone 1066 Text: Acts 14: 8-20 BY WILIJAM 4HLROY, D. D. Paul, I have said, was a born i propagandist; he was likewise a born traveler.

And the two have often gone together. The man who has convictions that he must express to others is restless until he has told his message to as many people as possible. Paul had a supremely great message. It centered in his own experiences, in what the Gospel of Jesus Christ had done for him in arresting him in his course of intolerance and persecution, and inmaking him a man of love. He saw, too, what it could do for others, and deep in his philosophy and experience was the conviction that the Gospel could make of any man (see II Cor-.

5tW) a new creature. At Antioch. where the disciples were first called "Christians, were a group of believers of similar mind and spirit. They took seriously the Masters last commission to go Into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature, and they appointed Paul and Barnabas to go forth and fulfil tharf command. Two more willing messengers could not have been found.

Paul has outdistanced all of the early disciples as a pioneer builder and Christian missionary; but no one has outdistanced Barabas in quality of faith and character and in pure zeal. Apparently a man of substance, he had given it all to the Christian cause. It was unfortunate that later a disagreement arose between these good men, over th4 question whether John Mark, the nephew of Barnabas and the author of our Gospel by Mark should accompany them on a second jouirney. Paul thought that John Mark, who had been with them on the first journey, had deserted them without sufficient reason. Here, however, on Pauls first missionary journey these two great Christians, Paul and Barnabas, are together.

Jheir mission has spectacular aspects, for when Paul has performed a miracle of healing the pagan people are convinced that the gods have come down among them, and they want to worship the missionaries, Barnabas as Jupiter anu Paul as Mercurius. The occasion gave Paul the opportunity for plain words concerning the nature of God, and the human side of true religion. But the missionaries had to encounter danger and opposition, especially when foes of the Christian way arrived from Antioch and so perverted the minds of the people that they stoned Raul and left him for dead. Two things I should like to say. First, concerning Paul as a missionary, I would urge the value of following the narrative with a map of Pauls journeys, such as is found in many Bibles.

Second, a word concerning modern missionaries. They have come in for much criticism, and the scornful have had their fling at the missionaries expense. Buf if you have a son fighting in the Pacific, thank God for the missionaries who went to these danger spots a century or a half-century ago. The natives have been friendly to our troops. How much more terrible the situation would have been If the natives had preferred the Japanese.

Lucile Harris spent the past week end with Virginia Strickland at Pleasant Hill. W. F. Calhoun, Minister Phone 1483 Miss Danni Small spent the past week end at Judson College witH her sister. Miss Ladeau Small.

DR. J. POWELL TUCKER, of Orlando, will open a series ot evangelistic services on April 30 at First Baptist Church of this city ot which he is a former pastor. Sunday Bible School 10 a. m.

Morning Worship 11 a. m. Junior meetings 3:30 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.

m. Teen-Age groups 2nd and 4th Sunday ,6:30 p. m. WFMS 2nd and 4th Sundays, 6 p. m.

i Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Mrs. O. L.

Worrell, of Pleasant Church School, Chris Heinz, Supt. 10:50, Morning Worship. Sermon by the pastor. Subject: How to Keep From Getting Lost in a 7:00, Methodist Youth Fellowship. Bruce Burson, pres.

7:00, Intermediate Fellowship, Mrs. J. W. Garrett, counselor. 8:00, Evening Worship, Sermon by the pastor.

Subject: The Changeless Responsibility of the Church. Sale! Thousands! ASSORTED HEAVIES CHICKS The Church of God KI Rev. E. Barney Carter, Pastor Clinton Avenue Uniontown A Sensational Value! Guarantee Heavy Breeds ilivtly No leghorni) Sand Check or Money Order FOR PROMPT DELIVERY No CM PtUVE GUARANTEED sAfiUl 500 only $3U S45.00 por MOO W. Poy 3:30, Monday afternoon, Womans Society of Christian Service.

The Mission Study program will be conducted Mrs. W. R. Thomas. Sunday School 10 a.

m. Preaching 11 a. m. YPE Service 7:15 p. m.

Evangelistic message 8 p. m. Mrs. Harris is in charge of the nTT rilfjjCHICKCO. fll jJAk? Ih'HWiHjl Dcpt gt.

M. Mrs. T. J. Heflin, Mrs.

A. M. Spessard and Mrs. C. P.

Johnston spent Monday in Selma. 7:30, Wednesday evening, Prayer service. IN IUSIN ESS OV JOTOAPS The return of Dr. J. Powell Tucker to Selma to conduct a series of evangelistic services at First Baptist Church of which he is -a former pastor is anticipated with eagerness by Baptists and friends of other denominations made during his residence here.

Dr. Tucker will open his services on Sunday, April 30, and will preach "through May 10. Dr. Tucker is now pastor of First Baptist Church of Orlando, Fla. He served, as pastor of the Selrna church from 1922 to 1927 and is well known in Selma and surrounding territory.

The Rev. Earl W. Powell, pastor of First Baptist Church of Evergreen, will serve as leader of congregational singing. during the series of services, A Virginian by birth, he was educated in the schools of that state and graduated in music. He took his theological course at Southwestern.

Seminary at Worth, Texas, and was pastor of the First Baptist Church of Por.s-mouth, Virginia, for three years. Prior to accepting the Evervreo charge, he was associate pastor to Dr. Frank Trippe in Montgomery. The Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church held its regular session Monday afternoon in the church parlors. Mrs.

6. E. Hodges, the new president, presided. DRESS UP THIS SUMMER! Hopkins'1 Men's Mrs. R.

L. Coleman, left Friday for Anniston for a visit to Mrs. S. L. Galbraith and to attend the Galbraith-Olmond wedding.

First Christian Church J. Fred Bayless, Minister C. E. Long, Supt. Sunday School Sunday: Sunday School 9:45 a.

m. Communion Worship Service 11:00 a. m. Anthem by Choir: Jesus, Thou Are Standing Barrell Sermon: Gods Purpose in the Ages Social Hour and Supper for Young People 5:30 p. m.

Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m. Worship Service 8:00 p. m. You Are Invited to Attend A Series of EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS Mrs.

J. H. Bradford spent Sunday in Birmingham. STRAWS Mrs J. G.

White and Hope White are visiting Mrs. J. W. Nonnemach-er at Nixburg. Ala.

Ave. Methodist $1.95 Mrs. W. H. Langhorne wasTHosless at the Friday Bridge Club at her home.

Miss Lucy Ware won high score prize and Mrs. J. W. Billings-ieafi second high. Rev.

Sam E. Hudgens, Pastor Mrs. W. H. Tayloe is visiting Mrs.

Joe Cromer at Carson, Ark. Church School 9:45 a. m. C. A.

Sherrer, Supt. Morning Worship 10:50 a. m. Youths 7:00 p. m.

Evening Worship 7:45 p. m. Monday: Missionary Society: Group 1 meets with Mrs. R. C.

Butler, 104 Lamar Ave. 3:30 p. m. Group 2 meets with Mrs. O.

A. Carneal, 53 Alabama Ave. 3:00 p. m. Group 3 meets with Mrs.

Sadie Moore, 437 Broad St. m3 Group 4 meets at Red Cross Room 2:30 p. m. Teachers and Officers Meeting, at the church 7:30 p. m.

James Claude Pollard, is patient in a Selma hospital. $5-00 Monday: W. S. C. S.

2:30 p. m. Wednesday: Prayer Service 7:45 p. m. Friday: Jno.

E. Tate Bible Class 7:45 p. a. Summerfield; Sunday: Morning Worship 11:00 m. Lt.

W. H. Solomon and Mrs. Solomon (Louise Robertson), whose marriage was an event of last week, have gone to Nevada. Mrs.

A1 Harrison entertaned in of the couple at a reception during their visit here. Their marriage took place in Montgomery. STIFF AND BODY HATS First Baptist Church SELMA, ALABAMA APRIL 30th THROUGH MAY 10th Conducted By DR. TUCKER Pastor of First Baptist Church, Orlando, Fla. (Formerly of Celma) REV.

EARL W. POWELL, Song Leader Pastor of First Baptist Church, Orlando, (Formerly of Selma) SERVICES EACH EVENING AT 7:45 Tuesday: Shelton Memorial Guild, Capt. L. Dumas, speaker 6:30 p. m.

Wednesday: Church Night Prayer Meeting 7:30 p. m. BRAIDS LEGHORNS GENUINE PANAMAS Burnsville: Sunday: Worship Service 3:00 p. m. Message by Rev.

J. P. Peacock. Arlington First Presbyterian Rev. N.

J. Warren, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Griffin of Montgomery and Miss Mildred Nettles of Greenville spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Nettles.

Sunset: Church School 9:30 a. m. Worship Service (5:45 p. m. St.

PauPs Episcopal John L. Jenkins, Rector "WEMBLEY" MEN'S TIES $1.00 9:45, Church School. 11:00, Morning Worship. Sermon; The Three-Fold Glory of the Church. 6:00, Young People of the Church.

7:30, Evening Worship. Sermon: Discovered or Conquered Mrs. W. L. Agee accompanied her little grandson, Lawrence Britt to his home in Marion Junction Saturday.

SERVICES BROADCAST OVER WHBB AT FOLLOWING HOURSi April 30th, 11 a.m. to 12 noon May 7th, 11 a.m. to 12 noon 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. 8 p.m.

to 9 p.m. May 2nd, 8:15 p.m. to 9 p.m. May 8th, 8:15 p.m. to 9 p.m.

May 4th, 8:15 p.m. to 9 p.m. May 9th, 8:15 p.m. to 9 p.m. Church school 9:45 a.

m. Morning prayer and sermon by the rector 11:00 a. m. YPSL 0:00 p. rri Mrs.

H. S. Nettles and mother. Mrs. Boyd Agee, made a business trip to Selma Thursday.

3:30, Monday, Womans Auxiliary will have monthly program meeting. Mrs. Nat Brittain will speak on Christian Education. SARTON Womans Auxiliary St. Pauls Branch Monday 4 p.

m. Altar Guild Branch Monday 4 p. m. Mrs. Evans Gore who has been at the bedside of her grandmother.

Mrs. J. H. Kimbrough, for several weeks has returned to her home in Tripoli, Miss. 7:30, Wednesday, Mid-Week Service.

Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Dickson relatives in Salitpa Sunday.

Victory Gardeners! Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Agee were 1 dinner guests Sunday of her sister, Mrs.

F. E. Swearenger arid family, i into all the world and leach the people. BIBLE STUDY COMMITTEE in SUCCESSFUL YEAR IN SHMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS "Go you SELMA COMPLETING Mr. and Mrs.

F. F. Smitherman and Mr. and Mrs. R.

N. Dickson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M.

Martin of near Magnolia. jfej Friends of Mr J. MrCipilan who has been ill in a hospital in Selma for three Weeks are glad to learn that he has returned home and Is getting along nicely. Over 1,000 students in Selma Schools are taking a course in Bible instruction as a part of their regular school work. The teachers are graduates of recognized Bible colleges.

This splendid work is made possible by the churches of Selma, through the cooperation of the City School Board and the faculty of the Selma Public Schools. "The Youth oi Today is the Nation Tomorrow" If you have already started your Victory Garden or plan to start one, enter it now in the Kiwanis Club Victory Garden Contest. $40.00 in PRIZES Will Be Given By The Kiwanis Club For The BEST VICTORY BARDENS First Prize $25.00 War Bond. Second Prize $10.00 War Stamps. Third Prize, $5.00 War Stamps.

Only gardens in the City of Selma eligible. Judging will be done by Dallas County Farm Agent and Home Demonstration Agent. CLIP AND MAIL THIS ENTRY BLANK I MR. F. A.

REW, County Agent COURT HOUSE, I CITY. I Please enter my Victory Garden in the Kiwanis Victory I Garden Projert. Name I 1 Address Phone I Location of Garden Size Little F.lise Sheffield was en- tertained Sunday afternoon by her aunt. Mrs. Pattis India Kimbrough in celebration of her third birthday.

The W. C. S. met at the homo of Mrs. F.

F. Smitherman Monday afternoon for their program meeting with Mrs. J. W. Raines as leader.

Subject of program was Soeia' Evangelistic Work in China Mrs. Smitherman talked on Rural Education. Mrs, Boyd Agees subject was Social Evangelistic Work in other areas, she also read the srrinture from Tsaiah 55-12 verse, meditation by all. The leader closed with prayer. Marie Sloudenmiere Is on the tick list this week.

WILL YOU HELP US CARRY ON! I SELMA BIBLE STUDY COMMITTEE TEACHERS 1943-1944 Mr. Nat Brittain Miss Edith Smith Mrs. I.ueleii Burn Rev. W. K.

Calhoun C. C. THOMAS Harry W. Gamble, chairman Rev. John A.

Dn.vlsou Rev, Geo. W. Cheek, secretary T. M. Bonner Knmloiph smith, treasurer lr.

W. K. Mall Ibis blank to County Agent or Phone 1411 We regret that we can report improvement in the condition of Mrs. H. Kimbrough..

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2025)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.