The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, V. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 'JANUARY 1, 1925 PACE FIVE WeLE AMOS Tar READ A AND THaT mad WERE aly ONE WAG NONE OTHEO MAJ GOT OUT OF may CUSTER. The funniest color America, with Major. Hoople the star character, (Every town has hire La Ho Saturday The Four of comics ta color. Order jour Pr and bat ft 1s not bellered they do.

"Hare you. ever hat ment with Mr. Brow about tale: woman!" Are. Brows was "Yes, we had had werst rets abont her, and he admitted that be bad' bees meeting her." Are. Brown asked whether ramor that abe would attempt to defend Bottom's act wan true.

"It wan bratal, bratal, brutal," she replied, and "Every ODe In the 'world should know bow 1 feel about this terrible thing." Shows Elects of Strain pretty worse ordinarily, Mrs. Brown the offects of the ordeal through which she has pand this last week. She la contend her bed, under tastructions of her parsician, and her face wee and barcard from the aback She appears to be to a stupor, and does not, apparently, realize fully the great tragedy through, which she his passed. 'Her nervous condition is. apparent, and wheal she attempts to talk her speech in halted spasmodical.

and sho trimbles risibly, at She is at the home of her mother, at 1-1 Last Leigh Street, will her chlidren. One of them 5 and the other years old. "Mr. Bren would DeTer the world murder person," reiterated time after time. "He was not wanted that to sort kill of a man Bottom, Had be could hare done it the picht of the struggle to the automobile on Ninth when he struck Tottom wit his revolver.

Ile stepped bact on the carb as that time, with the tun la him band. Instead el abooting he walked away." "It Brutal, She said that Brown had nor er had with and bootlergers white actins as prohibition agent, and she also said that ho had the reputation of peter treating arrested men so mess as to baadead them." Thea ate would drop back into sort of coma, and repeat to herself ever and over, was brutal, bratal!" Nra. Brown said (bat ORe statement. attributed to the police, had been very unfair to her. concerned an: alleged transfer of all of Brown's property.

to her, short time before he was ed. was untrue," she sald. "and I wish you would correct We bare owned two places. land Mr. Brown bought each 1a my same, without even las ze.

The Arst was a place on Edgewood arenue, on North side. Afterwards we tarned this place in on another property purchased. This was Longdale, Glen Allen, and was bought in came. We bad planned this, and I was at a real es. office attempting to negotia sale when Mr.

Brown tilled. Wo wanted to realize sufcient to build a place for the children, and Mr. Brown tr the remainder for whatever WOMAN SO ILL WASHED DISHES SITTING DOWN Remarkable Recovery After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Covington, was so weak and nervous I could hardly do my work as I could pot stand because of the bearing-0 pains in my back and sat down the time a 1 what 1 cool do in that log etc. One day a book scribing Lrdie E.

Pinkhani'3 re cines I mail-box. I saw bow the table Compound bad helped cabers gave it a trial I had to take dozen bottles before I 7 strength but I certainly tris medicine. Then I took Lyd. 3 E. tam's Blood medicine for poor blood.

was cold all the time. be cold I could hardly sit still and the palms of my bands there woot he drops of sweat. I also used the fanative Wash and I reconvaand it You may publish this letter and I will answer letters from women and neighbors about these -Mra. HARRY Beach Avenue, Covington, Kentucky. FIVE a Scientific Data In Lay Language (By L.

c. Owen.) the Copyright, dated Association. call, Jan, America rots of Its intellectual billboards and fakira and it tum educational process. 7 sarants who, both slangity and literally speaklug, could de world" a lot cad thereby educate the pab1c 6n this mitisme subject are content to' hide deir lights under The are too modest to dispense except ria the class room At least is the declaretion bere: tons Dr. Jandos Ball, one of the far most distinguished wychiatrists and member ot the faculty of the Untrersity of Califorala.

Dr. Ball's obserrations stout billboard education are called forth by what ho says la tremendously growing latent 1a the factor It is becomIns in our taly social and ness life and what he avers are the harmful of misiatormatioa purveyed to the public by Quacks and fakirs. Jo tact, Dr. Ball relegates to the latter clastiation several atwertised lectures on psychology ad other learned who gread their wisdom from lecture platforms for a "per centage. of the house" of at much per toad.

mes of learnias remain ellen! says Dr. Ball, "the quacks are telling the world about every worth while subject of Interest; dolng much damage through their (spread of misinformation and lectins fat pay for doing 4. "The world is putting. forth. a great demand for information.

Take perchology, for Instance: laterest la is worldwide. Namerous lecturers are holding spell bound fast audiences, always at taucy admission prices on this subject which few of them really know about: By taunt. the rorid 'subconscious' and similar terms they hypnotize on strictly cash bas'A the ad groping. thot: ands. I "The college professor.

who really. taowe about paychology and other new subjects of Interest to the public wits tight and rarely opens hie mouth to sire forth little repulse ealightment, except. In deadly routine class work. one eminent sin hoard professors, with highly dereloped economic sense, use 14 posters to impress the publie with their learning. About 00 per cent of what the American public kaows about psychology today comes from billboard (loa and bill board educators.

of the public to pay admission' prices to hear anqualited lecturers talk on highly Interesting educational subjects is en ladex to the world's broadening latelligence. This desire should be met by translation in our universities of available scientife data on various subjects Into lay. language, and: jour. most eminent educators should help pioneer the way." Brown's Widow Declares Another Woman Was 4 Cause of Enmity. Richmond, Jan.

1. That (be hatred felt by. her "husband and Lin wood Bottom against each: other, and which is generallyteren. by Mrs. Brown--believed to (hare originated with Bottom's alleged attentions to her while a roomer to her home, was kindled and kept adame by another no man, even until the minute when Bottom sent.

Brown to his death here trot Tuesday, was the opinJon expressed last night by Mre. Brown to 8 reporter. "I will always bellere that th's roman brought the two together at the First street confectionery. where the fatal shooting occured," Bire. Brown said last nicht.

"She was a former friend Bottom's. but Mr. Brown had recently been meeting her, and I just feel convinced that she had something to do with their meeting where they To Name Womaa Mira. Brown refused to diraige of the other womas, 1 the name but id it could be learced.from "Ton:" operator of the shop where the shooting happened. and others in the store Ton state that they bad De ver sees Brown in the place with aLT I other than his wife.

They mi. said that Brown bad put been in the place for several weeks prior to his visit there last Tuesday, I which resulted in deatb. bad and certain that he woman 1p tbe they Deter met any place. rould pot be learned last whether the police know might Heatity of this other won as, Tithe Property Exempt From Taxes BEGINNING THURSDAY, DEC. 18th I Our Gift Shop will be open 'after 7 P.

M. All Xmas Cards at both stores 1-2 price. Buy your next year's sypply now Now- inexpensive Novelties just received; Special $1.50 assortment to select from. Beautiful Gifts selling at 25c, 50c and $1.00 Mall your packages early. wo pack them well.

JARMAN'S GIFT SHOP Whisper" From Main next to Fitzbugh's STORES ALLOVER TOWN Cheese, Brookfield. 30c Navy Beans, 2: lbs. 18c Early June -Peas, per can 13c L- POWER SPRAYERS GET OUR PRICES W. T. MARTIN HARDWARE CO.

Phone 100 Candies, Nuts, Cakes, Fruits 7' FRESH STOCK Lowest Prices Best Quality BOOTHS 604 East Market St. Next to Armory A A Piggly Wiggly A Handles Nationally Advertised Brands of Mer.chandise a' the lowest possible prices Buy here and Save the Difference. GRAVES DODGE The Place For MONUMENTS 409 E. Market St. Charlottesville, Va.

SAXTON'S CLEANING AND DYE WORKS W. B. SAXTON. Prop. Phone 185 Water Street Our Work Is Reliable Our Firm Is Responsible Our Service Is the Very Best We Clean and -Dye Everything AND REMEMBER It's Better to Let Saxton Do Your.

Work Than to Wish You Had 4 All the family win A hearty don't disappolated. wished to do wits' It. According to Mrs. Brows. the place at Glen Allea worth about $25.000, and bus case of about $6,000 1t.

Was Planning we bad about agreed to conciliation," answered, la reply to question, "and Mr. Brown had talked to ine ores the about thirty minutes be fore the -shooting, and just 1 was leartas for the real estate She said that she had not son Bottom, privately, since the night of the altercation on Ninth atreat. After the fight, in which bout were tajured, more thaa atonth ago, Bottom, who rooming at her home, returned for the micht. lie left the mast p*rnias took and my never returned. mother home with mo 'nad the children," Brows said, "and telephoned Mr.

Brown to came heme, lie would not come, no my mother ed all aisht." Brown's threats against Bottom were made la a Jealous rage, ard 1 Deter once. Longht he. meant them. He wasn't that sort of a mad, and would not kill any' Brothers Hame Weicht Shesaadoah Roderick sad saadolph are two of Mr. and Mra.

J. 0. Mason, ct Hagars town, Md. Mr. Mason is a rail-.

way clert on the Shensa Josh die rtalon of the W. running from Hagerstowa and Roanoke, He reads much tine ton his regular run to this city. Roderick is forty months of age and Randolph is only twenty monthe old; yet Raadolph weighs the came Roderick, 36 when Randolph, the Younger, wit Are and one-balt meathe of age he weighed only 11 pounds. one pound less than at birth. The parents were, alarmed.

dolph spent sixteen days at Johan Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore, at time. when the parents had NO hopes of saving him. Certain food diets were adrised by the hospital surgeons. Now Colph 1 13 just as strong and beary his brother Roderick, trice his ace. It is also of terest to note that Roderick, the older, 1s interested in preachian ani- playing church, while RamColph ls Interested solely to prize fahting and trying out bis various punches on his older brother, PoralatIon In And Near Roanoke than 61 per of the population of Rosaake within a mile of the intersec tion of Jeferzon street and Campbell a rente, wade the Erratent population density is centered donators in the fret of .195.

square miled, taking the Intersection as a center, according to a tratic surrey made for the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company by Toss V. Harris, consulting engineer of Madison, Wis, The sarrey indie cates that there are 14.713 people per aquare mile in the bustGOES heart of the city, while la rive second Tang there are 12,097 square mile, and only 4,490 the third zone, The populatica density drope about to per cent hetween each of the three remaining zones, four, Are and air. The report estimates Ros note. Vinton and 'Salem and tor: odiato districts bare 30 of 72,300 and predicu' bet will erreed 100.000 teE hence. Thia quiralen: averare yearly increase of per cert PAch year.

The A. pelt nopalation estimates on 89,504 siren in the States censua report for. AND STORE BORN AT ABINGDON moot. Jan. lex after the Are k.

bed left for Abingdon! to in combattine dames which rald to be seriously threatontex the town, message was re Al here from Mater of which said that wera under control after the Episcopal Church sad a small grocery store on Maia street had brea totally destroyed I Richmond, Jan. 1. Various classes of real estate wbleb from taxation are mentionby C. Lee Moore. auditor rabile accosata, to bla tastrec Lions to the mes who -fil Firstala lands during 1938, These are as tollows: "Real estate directly or ladtrect.

owned by the stale, and real estate owned by ellies, towns. or school districts and wholly sad exclustrety for comatr. elty or town public achool par Buildings with land they actualoccupy. lawtally owned and teld by churches. or religions and wholly and exclustrely Geed for religions vorsbia or for the residence of the minister any such church or religions body, together, with the additional ad.

Jacent land reasonably for the convenient use of any such balidias. Private tamby cot exceedias one acre la area re served as such and so exclusively used, and public not conducted tor prott. with the land they Inally occupy, wholly devoted educational purposes, belongiss to. and exclusively occupied churches, Incorporated colleges, academies, ladestrial. schools, of or other lacorporated Virgiala Historical Society.

Tale provision of the law is sadto see certala sualidcationa, 1173 for code section emended by chapter 1924. 3 Real estate and occupied ty Young Mea's Christian Asiocations and other similar religious associations, orphan of other a reformatories, hospitals sad suaseries, which are not conCacted for promt, bat purely and completely as charities. Buildings, with the land they actually benevolent occupy, belonging to say or charitable. Lions and for lodge purposes or meetias rooms by much associations, torether with such additional adjacent land as may he necessary for the conrealest use of the buildlags for parposes: The Thomas Memorial' Foundation. corporated and the American Legion shall be deemed lent and charitable associations.

Real estate belonging to the a sociation for the Preservation of federate Virgiala Memorial Antiquities, Literary the Coselety, the Nouat Vernon Ladies Association of the Union and the Mananas Confederate Incorporated. Public wharves, docks and tor misals of asy city. No Inbertiance tar shall be charged against any la or rise made for the beneft. of' say institution or body whose property le exempt from taxation. Mrs.

Du Pont Gives $10,000 Gymnasium To Virginia School Gift to 64. Margaret's, at hansork, Memorial to Parents Heatherille, 01. -Mrs. Alfred Q. DuPont, who was Miss Bell, of Lancaster, will pay the entire cost of the erection of the $10,000 nadiam now being bailt at St.

Margaret's Episcopal School for Girls, at nock, The will be memorial to Mrs. DuPont's eats, Thomas Ball and Laila Gres ham Ball, and will bear a tablet showing this fact. Mrs. DuPont has for some time abowa great Interest la the 1 cation of boys and girls in that section of the State, and ad a scholarskip at St. Margaret's Sebool.

The gymnasium la tion is about halt falabed. and expected to be completed In month or two. It Far began! witbout the knowledge of Mrs. DuPont's declalsa to pay the cost. Car Unedings Drop on the Norfolk and Western Railway drorped far below normal daring Christmas wert on account of many Test Virginia coal mince raspeadias operations for say.

eral days. The total namher of revenue cart loaded 10.006 the number of rare received from the connections 4.998. COMMERCIAL BARBER SHOP National Bank Building MELTIN R. BISHOP, Proprictor For r. 100 PER CENT SAFETY 6 PER CENT INTEREST 9 is what you get when you buy our FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE GOLD BONDS They are the safest investment for your January funds: PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK and PEOPLES MORTGAGE CORP Break A.

Chest Cold With Heat Of Red Ease your Stop the pain. Break up the costion. Feat a bad cold In Just a abort "Red Paper Rat" the remedy that briars ret. It cannot you and certainly to end the tight. i cad drive the congestion soreness right out.

Nothiag has penetrating beat as red and when best penetrates Mirat down Into colda, congestion, lag muscles and sore, sun relief comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pop ret Rob you feel the tingling Lathree minutes the spot tr rarmed. through and through. When you are from cold, rheumatiam, backache, ceck or sore muscle, Just get Jar of Rowles Red Pepper Reb wade from red peppers. drug.

store. Tou hare the quickest relief known. Always HIGHWAY TO THE WEST VIRGINIA LINE PLANNED Coriaston, Jam. 1, It been authoritatively learned. that the State Highway Commission has setborised the boliding of road from the Crow Place to the West Virgiata line.

Work this particular stretch of road wit begin about January let. Start Now let no clean your conte and outta, Also ladles cloaks, coal prices win. backed by 20 leace. HEISKELL'S N. Bib CHy IP.

Undertakers and Orca Day and Night Day Phone Rigat R. H. SHISLER Directer and Otice Open Day and Might A West Mais Strut CHRISTMAS 1 $. SEASON to almost here 284 after Chrirtmas comes das. int the day we recoire to ellat sate had habits and cult rate otters that are more worthys but why wait.

astil New Tears Day to make New. We bare our slogans Shop Carly Man tarty." why set add taird Rasolve Carty. We recommend the lowtag brands: Deiry Dairy Monticello Laying Hack, old Chicken Peed. "Quality, Service, Price the prefect com Brown Milling Co Charlottesrilla, Ta Prompt Delivery OF Christmas Coals Let us know your needs COAL co*kE OR WOOD BURNLEY BROS. "Coal That LET US HAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR MEATS, GROCERIES AND FRUITS GLEASON CO.

OUR PRICE IS LOWER Big sad cromwe patterns reads for rms Give Us Your Order For a Nen Suit Our Clothes the beer port and quality E. F. MARK WOOD int the needs 4.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.