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Posted on by Anonymous
do you dislike the genre or do you thin Fromsoft didn't make it well?
- Anonymous
3 days ago
The open world serves no purpose other than to waste my time
- Anonymous
3 days ago
>vidya serves no purpose other than to waste my time
- Anonymous
3 days ago
>I'm a moronic kid
Ok gay
- Anonymous
3 days ago
you're all business
- Anonymous
3 days ago
you've no taste, i hate open world usually but this one is done right
you are just a homosexual that parrots talking point about open world bad- Anonymous
3 days ago
This is unironically the worst open world ever made, just admit you like eating shit
- Anonymous
3 days ago
Nah, you're just a dumb homosexual. The open world is one of the best aspects of ER.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
NTA, but how so? You don't really engage with it outside of killing weak mobs, even dragons fights are restricted to a small invisible arena.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
No, it's terrible. It's not like Skyrim where you can have fun with NPCs, random loot, random encounters, and live like a farming king. Literally any other open world has more interactions than Elden Ring. Even fricking Fallout 76 has a better open world with more to do in it.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
>Literally any other open world has more interactions than Elden Ring
Pic related are all the interactions on the DLC map. You are an ADHD child, you cannot ride your horse in any fricking direction for a single minute at a time without tripping over some new "interaction."Skyrim should be the poster child for garbage open world design. The map is not interesting to navigate, it all looks generic and uninspired, you basically never find any unique or interesting items but instead only useless trash and never anything surprising. There is no moment when exploring Skyrim like when you first descend into Nokron or Nokstella and realize that no, it's not actually just another small cave but instead a giant underground city of some unknown civilization. There's no moment like realizing that after you've explored this city, there's another level up above that you cannot figure out how to reach. There's no moment in Skyrim where you look down beyond a huge drop on the edge of a cliff and see a new area colored in striking red, along with a huge enemy visible from so far away, waiting for you to fight it down there. You never look into the distance to see a castle high upon a mountain or a cliff, knowing that it's going to be a new dungeon you can reach and beat. In Skyrim you can run a circle around your start location for 1 hour and you've essentially already had the entirety of the open-world experience.
There is 0 sense of wonder or adventure in the map of Skyrim, just the most generic shit imaginable.
NTA, but how so? You don't really engage with it outside of killing weak mobs, even dragons fights are restricted to a small invisible arena.
The map itself is interesting. Every area is made with thought and care to whatever influences it's supposed to have from a story point of view, it's full of hidden paths and dungeons that lead to unique items (not the same sword with +5 extra damage), the entire map is designed well with sight-lines in mind which show you important landmarks to reach and new areas to explore.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
Clicking talk 3 times and exhausting dialog options after a paragraph monologuing from a motionless NPC is not an interaction. The npcs in Elden Ring are just exposition dumps mostly.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
It's not, you interact with the world with loot or combat. Apart for ER not being a true open world but connected hallways, there is 0 reward for exploring. Not to mention that most of the time there is nothing to discover to begin with.
>Omg, another generic enemies like the 50000 ones I have killed before
>Is that loot that I will never use?Another upgrade stone? A spell/weapon incompatible with my class? Another weapon I wont use because upgrading it to the level I have my weapon it's a pain and takes resources I don't have??? Can't wait to Ng++++++ to try that cool weapon!
>Holy shit! Another reused boss!! Can't waitFrom games are the opposite of an open world. You guys love Ubisoft slop
- Anonymous
3 days ago
>>Is that loot that I will never use?Another upgrade stone? A spell/weapon incompatible with my class? Another weapon I wont use because upgrading it to the level I have my weapon it's a pain and takes resources I don't have??? Can't wait to Ng++++++ to try that cool weapon!
This literally applies to the previous games as well.- Anonymous
3 days ago
Yes, and the scope of this game makes it 5000 times worst
- Anonymous
3 days ago
What makes it the worst one in your opinion? Which open worlds are better and why?
- Anonymous
3 days ago
See AlsoElden Ring [Topic Ufficiale][PS4-PS5] Shadow of the Erdtree OUT - Pagina 1123 - Playstation 5 / PS4 / PS4 PROElden Ring DLC Best PvP Weapon & Build Tier List (1.12)Ranking the New Weapon Classes from Worst to Best for PvEHow to level up new characters fast in The First DescendantReply
It could easily have been an open world that doesn't waste your time but there is an incredible amount of empty space and I mean literally empty content wise, not even useless items or anything, just pointless space. The DLC is very guilty of this too. Once in a while you find a low level upgrade item that is basically free anyway for anyone who got this far in the DLC which doesn't feel like "thank you for exploring" but rather "frick you for exploring lol"
- Anonymous
3 days ago
This is true. It looks really pretty but there is not nearly enough unique content to justify it being open world.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
one criticism of Dark Souls 2 is how is the volcano zone is next to the windmill zone and how. So it did add some semblance of how the world fits together.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
it was a fake criticism though, no one would have cared if the game just wasn't so fricking ugly. It's pure how sweet/hello human resources
- Anonymous
3 days ago
It's looks boring and uninspired normieslop
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I don’t like open world games, simple as
- Anonymous
3 days ago
The exploration is by far it's weakest point and it's the weakest in the whole franchise. I like actually exploring areas to the fullest and taking my time clearing areas to get ahead. In Elden Ring I find myself running to get the shit I need and running past every enemy on the way to the boss. Liurnia is a dogshit area too and I get massively drained every time I kill Godrick because I know I have to get past Liurnia. I have played all the games besides Demons and Bloodborne.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
the combat sucks, I dont care to read item descriptions to piece the world together, and npc quests are a hassle to figure out. Oh whats that? you were looking for the area the npc wanted to go to but found a different place instead? sorry he's dead now I hope you made a backup of your save smile
- Anonymous
3 days ago
It's just too hard for them
These guys actually thought Dark Souls 1 was hard lmao so it's no wonder they piss their pants when fighting bosses in this game - Anonymous
3 days ago
The dislike has nothing to do with how the game is made. They are seething because they can't play it.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I love the genre and I think From made a good game that got ruined by balance worries, PvP Black folk, and git gud homosexualry. From games are at their best when you can struggle if you choose or you can break the fricking game in half with as much challenge as Hello Kitty, and everything in between.
ER with the DaS/DeS/launch DaS2 balance approach would be the best game of all time. So only SL based matchmaking (if you want to twink and invade/coop with complete noobs, go for it), much much lower boss health (boss fights should not last more than 30 seconds if you’re geared and good), slower telegraphed attacks that don’t track perfectly, and a few ludicrously broken spells and weapons that literally one-shot bosses to make replays a blast.
Only the most pathetic losers feel any sense of pride and accomplishment for beating a video game, I speak from experience, and indulging that idiocy is the reason zoomers are fricked. - Anonymous
3 days ago
I hate that it's open world I wish they just made it level-by-level like previous games.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
i sure love zizagging over empty open world for mushroom cookbook (7), zanziboss fights with the same input readin and particle aoe spam phase 2, i love the only decent dungeons being copypasted deadend catacombs, i love the 15 year old engine still stuck with input lag and camera bugging out, i love constantly spamming jump r2 because it's the only sensible way to win every fight despite it being the most boring and mindless
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I don't like how all challenge was removed from the levels, enemies and environments and all funneled into the boss fights.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
It's beyond tasteless. Made for actual broccoli headed zoomers.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
It’s a great game that I lost interest in because the gameplay isn’t for me.
It’s a rhythm game based on trial and error. With artificially difficult combat to make you think it’s challenging.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
im a big fan of dark souls 1, sekiro, and bloodborne
i dont enjoy the ds3 combat that they carried over to ER, it feels uncalibrated. also the open world was too much
- Anonymous
3 days ago
The open world aspect made fighting common enemies obsolete, you can only grind out levels in three crappy spots, the bosses aren't gimmicky enough for my tastes, there's no covenant system to make PVP worth doing and multiplayer feels emptier than Demon's Souls despite having more players, the customization feels pretty shitty and troony coded, there's not enough stats to make character builds feel different and you can always pop a larval tear, too many reused assets and enemies. Elden Ring is almost the worst From Souls game. It does have its positives like the art is gorgeous, the lore is fun, it's like a boss rush. But overall not my fav. I give it a 6/10.
Anonymous I hate that every fricking Souls game after Bloodborne turned into Ninja battles, like Jesus, poise does not exist since Dark Souls 3, bosses 2 shot you even if you max your health and use the heaviest of armour so why bother make a heavy build. And damned if you do since every boss battle feels like a Naruto fight.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
You can stack shitloads of things and make yourself very tanky in ER, if that's what you want. I think almost nobody invests that heavily in being tanky though, so for practical purposes getting 2-shot isn't that far off.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
The absolute easiest and most braindead cheating build you can make in this game is the heaviest armor and shield and just stand there.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I dislike most open world games and I don't think they made it well.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I used to love it in Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but I think they were too eager to outdo themselves and made a game that's simply not fun. I don't feel like learning most of the boss fights and everything is too full of acrobatics and pyrotechnics, makes it feel like anime bullshit.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
>For people who dislike Elden Ring, do you dislike the genre or do you thin Fromsoft didn't make it well?
It's pretty simple. Open world games are boring and Fromsoft sacrificed their great formula from Demon Souls to Bloodborne for the open world meme. It makes Fromsoft games a slog to playthrough and has no replayability unlike past Miyazaki games.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
>has no replayability unlike past Miyazaki games.
Elaborate. If anything, you have more replayability due to all the skips and optional content in ER.- Anonymous
3 days ago
not him but I agree with him. As for why, 100% replaying previous souls games was reasonable and fun. Elden Rings open world nature makes 100% replays a bit too tedious for me. Like, the nature of the open world necessiates that you check all parts of the map (since I certainly don't have the whole map memorized yet) which is cool the first time but the second time you just keep remembering
>oh yeah there was nothing here
>oh yeah there's just an arteria leaf here
>oh yeah just 5 bolts
And it kinda makes it feel tedious as I said. Of course I could just NOT do 100% replays (I did that) but they're inherently less satisfying to me, like you're just checklisting what your build wants. And so I replayed ER once. Every other souls game I have 5-10 full playthroughs, usually like 3-4 on release and I revisit them every so often. ER I have 1 and a half and I havent felt like revisiting yet.I get it's subjective and all that, just explaining why I didn't feel it's as replayable for me
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I should add I don't hate the open world per se I think it was a pretty neat gimmick. I wouldn't want them to make future games with it though, I think not open world plays to the strengths of the format much much MUCH better. Nice to see it done once but that's it
- Anonymous
3 days ago
That's how I feel too. The only way to replay Elden Ring is through new game plus, otherwise you have to remember which cave has useful items and it turns everything into a pain in the butt.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I like the genre, but hated how formulaic ER had become with its extremely linear dungeons and fog walls and the layouts to get to them. There were exceptions of course, but they couldnt elevate the experience. Bosses being too aggressive wasnt really an issue, I always found some way to beat them. But thats it: My favorite boss is Ancestor Spirit only because it lets you breathe now and then. I barely remember the other bosses for how spastic and hyperactive they are. It was never about the difficulty, it was about the journey, but the only thing ER has left is the difficulty and I find its a weak identity.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I really can't imagine myself enjoying Elden Ring's environments nearly as much as I have if it wasn't open world.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I just really want to hear the other side of the argument. I understand not wanting to play Elden Ring because you don't like open world games, but saying that Elden Ring would have been better off with a world design similar to previous souls games is ridiculous to me.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I don't dislike elden ring I still think it's better than most games in todays industry, but I think it's the weakest souls game so far
as to why, it's because exploration isn't as fun in the open world. I also don't like how you get checkpoints before every boss now, having runbacks made them design bosses differently. I don't like the expectations that I learn a boss for 20 attempts, it's not that fun to me. I want the expectation to be that I die 0-3 times on the boss until I figure his shit out, maybe a bit more on the hard ones. You can call that a skill issue, my point is just that the previous games were balanced that way and I prefered it, less tedious. - Anonymous
3 days ago
open world is filler
- Anonymous
3 days ago
Boring empty open world with boring shallow combat
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I guess I was mostly motivated by the exploration and discovering all the weird things in the game on my first playthrough because I never beat it again. The smaller caves and mines and catacombs are very lazy and quickly become repetitive. A lot of random locations in the open world aren't very interesting either and I found myself just hopping into them with torrent and grabbing the shiny item and dashing away instead of clearing them. It feels like they re-use every fight in the game except the main bosses. I don't care enough to google around to find all the items for a specific build then beeline to the main legacy dungeons and boss fights.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I dislike open world games in general. Elden Ring was more enjoyable in the main dungeons, but the surrounding open world stuff was boring to me.
That's my main issue, other parts were fine. - Anonymous
3 days ago
The boss encounter design is designed around summoning, and the boss fights are not fun because of this.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I think if the game came out 10 years ago I'd have loved it, but the formula is stale now. Big monkey's paw shit, I loved this shit more than anything, DaS is still probably my favourite game, but now every action game is Dark Souls. From still do it better than most but I'd kill for something new.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
Did you play an actual good souls clone though? I tried many and they're all just superficial copies that don't actually get the main point of the game. The only good ones I've played are remnant 1 and 2
- Anonymous
3 days ago
The setting and art direction are dull as frick to me, I hate blank slate protagonists and vague storytelling, I don't like losing progress or excessive trial-and-error, and the gameplay just doesn't look fun.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I bought the base game when the DLC came out, I've put 10 hours longer than it took me to beat Dark Souls 3 into it and I'm pretty sure I'm not even halfway done the base game. There's so much shit designed to run you in circles and inflate play time without making the actual game more fun
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I've never played any of the other games, but one thing I noticed is your class choice means pretty much nothing a few minutes into the game.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
Even when I beat the game I still feel like a b***h. Bosses will do all these cool anime backflips and combos and all I can do is roll around and wait for my turn to lethargically poke em once or twice with my sword.
I would like to add to the spectacle of the fights instead of being a spectator (victim).
- Anonymous
3 days ago
>Roll away from the boss that excells at mid-range combat.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
Souls combat system isn't good enough to hold my attention for an 100+ hours long open world grindfest with repeating bosses, older Souls games were both shorter and more replayable with more unique content to time investment.
- Anonymous
3 days ago
I don't like run-backs in any souls game. They should abandon the stake of marika and just implement a formal "retry boss/gank" button like in kingdom hearts
- Anonymous
3 days ago
tired of the genre, burned out after DS3
- Anonymous
3 days ago
Elden Ring is the latest iteration of a game style that should have died a gentle death years ago.
Haters call it rollslop, but what it really is, is outdated. This is best exemplified when compared to From's other games, and how the foes in Elden Ring move in comparison to the player.